man and woman sitting beside rock formation

I Hope That Someday We Can Talk About What Happened Between Us

Maybe one day we could sit and talk about all the things that got broken between us.  We could talk about how each one of us hurt the other. Maybe we could say all the things we couldn’t say to each other before. Maybe we could share how each one of us made the other feel.

Maybe we can talk about all the nights we cried because of what we did to each other. Maybe we can talk about all the beautiful things between us that got ruined . Maybe we can talk about all the nights we felt lonely and lost without each other.

Maybe we can talk about the things that we kept avoiding talking about all along. Maybe we can finally talk about the things that we always change the subject from every single time they get brought up. Maybe it’s time to stop pretending like they don’t exist anymore. Maybe we can quit pretending that everything is okay when we both know it’s not, but we are just too scared to admit it. Because admitting that might mean there’s a possibility that we will lose each other, and that’s a risk both of us can’t take. But what if we’re already losing each other slowly in different ways?

Maybe if each one of us exposed our wound, we could finally understand how each one of us deeply cut the other. Maybe we can talk about how we tore each other apart and let each other down. Maybe we could share how deep our wounds were and how we are still trying to heal. Maybe if both of us had the courage to talk about all the things that went wrong, we could finally take off our masks and stop pretending like nothing happened.

Maybe each one of us can talk about the cracks we both caused in each other’s hearts and share each other’s pain. Maybe we can talk about how each one of us turned the other’s world upside down and how we left each other with a hole in the heart.

Maybe if we understood what each of us has been through and what each of us has done to the other one, we could finally be able to either get back together for good or to completely let each other go. Maybe it’s time to find out whether we can try again or not, and maybe this is the only way how.

I want to write about you, me, and all of us.

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