Rob Gunther

Articles by
Rob Gunther
I’m Getting Smaller And Nobody Can Figure Out Why (Part 3)
There was no more trying to pretend that this wasn’t a serious problem. No matter how much I denied the possibility of what was going on, no matter how much I wanted to wake up as if this were all some sort of a bad dream, I kept shrinking, smaller and smaller.
Why You Should Never Order French Fries With No Salt
But what about the seasoning? Won’t plain French fries taste a little bland?
5 Reasons You Should Start Smoking Cigarettes
Everybody’s always talking about how bad cigarettes are, that if you’re a smoker, you need to quit, or at least you need to move it outside, down the block, no seriously, even further, yeah I don’t care how cold it is, just keep walking.
100 Ways To Surprise Your Girlfriend This Valentine’s Day
Give her a box of nice chocolates and tell her that you can’t wait until tonight.
I Swam Out To A Buoy Way Out In The Ocean, And BOY Was It Terrifying
Way out in the distance there was this one buoy, and whenever I went for a dip, it called out to me.
This Is Why You ABSOLUTELY Should Not Drink Fountain Soda At A Restaurant
I’m not going to lie, it’s still a little hard to drink fountain soda. It’s one of my all-time happiest pleasures that’s been forever ruined by that one motion.
I Picked Up A Ring I Found On The Ground, But Now I Wish I Had Never Found It
I was actually kind of scared to go home.
5 Ways To Find Out If All Your Friends Are Talking About You Behind Your Back
It’s probably all in your head. That’s what you tell yourself anyway as you try unsuccessfully to fall asleep at night. But is it?
What It’s Like To Be In Love With Someone Who Is Always Really Hungry
It’s not you, OK. I love you. But I’m really, really hungry. Can we please get something to eat?
10 Things You Need To Think About Before Dating A Super-Awesome, Handsome, Strong Guy
Do you have to always be staring at him too?
7 Life Hacks You Never Read About On The Internet
I keep seeing them lately, articles on all of my favorite web sites, stuff like, “Check out these awesome life hacks!” and then you click through a bunch of pictures to find out tips and tricks that supposedly make everyday life a little easier.
Life Begins At 30. If You’re Not 30, Your Life Has Yet To Begin.
I’m 30 now, and everything’s different.
Lunch Hour Is The Worst Time Of Day For Everyone At A Restaurant, Especially For Servers
It brings out the worst in me, in the guests, in my co workers.
This Is The Most Important Thing To Say When You’re Ordering Steak At A Restaurant
This is why it’s great to order first at a steak place.
6 Things Only People From Queens Will Understand
When I say that I’m from Queens, what I really mean is, I grew up on Long Island, and moved to Astoria right after college. That’s the same as being from Queens, right? Anybody?
My Wife And I Moved To A New Apartment, And Something Terrifying Is Happening
When my wife and I moved into our new apartment, we thought we hit the jackpot.