It's Time To Get Over The Idea That Being Unavailable Makes You More Wanted
Jason Yoder

It’s Time To Get Over The Idea That Being Unavailable Makes You More Wanted

We’re looking for honesty. We’re looking for someone we don’t have to keep questioning or chasing. 


It’s time to get over the ridiculous notion that being unavailable makes you more wanted or more attractive. That being unavailable is cool and gives you the upper hand. It’s time to get over those games because if you’re looking for a mature and genuine connection then being unavailable will never get you that because those who are looking for sincerity and trust will only get turned off by it. You will only push them away.

We’ve reached a point in our lives where we don’t have enough time to waste on unavailable people or games, we want someone who makes time for us, who picks up the phone when we call, who checks in on us to make sure we’re having a good day. We’re looking for honesty. We’re looking for someone we don’t have to keep questioning or chasing.

Get over the idea that being busy all the time means that you’re successful or ambitious. A successful life is a balanced life. A life where all aspects of your life are aligned. Some people run away from their feelings by hiding behind their work or their studies but they won’t be able to keep this up for long because eventually, loneliness is going to creep in late at night, they’ll miss having someone to lean when things get rough. Eventually, they’ll realize that all the feelings they buried will erupt when something triggers the pain they’ve been dodging.

Get over the idea that being unavailable gives you the upper hand. It’s not fun for people to keep guessing where they stand. They’ll give up when they realize that you’re not really appreciating their efforts or the way they care. They’ll give up when they realize that they deserve someone who’s available, someone who reciprocates their efforts and someone who shows up for them not someone who pushes them away.

So please get over the idea that being unavailable makes you more wanted because it doesn’t and even if it does for a little while, it doesn’t last. It doesn’t attract the right people into your life. It will attract manipulative people or people who play the same game. It will attract those who are not looking for anything real or serious and trust me when I say it will eventually make you unattractive and unwanted.

You will not be someone people want to approach. You will not be a person people want to open up to. You will not be a person people want to be vulnerable around and when you deny someone their vulnerability you miss out on the real magic, the rawness of their heart and the depth of their soul. You miss out on the real ethereal experience of love.