Don’t Blame Yourself For Your Feelings And The Way You Handle Them
Sinitta Leunen

Don’t Blame Yourself For Your Feelings And The Way You Handle Them

Don’t blame yourself for trying. Don’t blame yourself for being the bigger person or the kinder person.


Don’t blame yourself for trying. Don’t blame yourself for being the bigger person or the kinder person. Don’t blame yourself for being the more vulnerable one because it takes a lot of strength to get in touch with your emotions and open up. Don’t blame yourself for putting yourself out there because it shows that you’re brave. It’s brave to show someone you care in a world that keeps telling you that you should just conceal your emotions. It’s brave to be honest and transparent in a world that glorifies those who play the game and those who manipulate others into loving them. Don’t blame yourself for being real because it’s rare and it will always reveal people’s true intentions sooner than later.

Don’t blame yourself for asking too many questions or demanding answers because you’d rather know the truth than live with the lies. Don’t blame yourself for calling someone out on their behavior even if it means pushing them away because you’re not the person who is going to tolerate anything less than what you deserve. Don’t blame yourself for being outspoken and telling it like it is, because you’re genuine and you say what you feel and if being too honest or too forward will scare someone off, then you’re better off alone.

Don’t blame yourself for being too much either. Too intense, too passionate, too loving, too loud, too deep. Don’t blame yourself for the glaring and dazzling parts of you. The parts that you can’t really conceal or control. The parts that make you feel alive. Don’t blame yourself for wanting to feel alive, happy and fulfilled. Don’t blame yourself for wanting to live a boisterous life in a world that has learned to settle for a mediocre one.

Don’t blame yourself for wanting more because it doesn’t mean that you’re selfish. Don’t blame yourself for wanting people to meet you where you are or match your energy and don’t blame yourself if they don’t keep up with you. You’re not the kind of person who knows how to slow down, you’re not the kind of person who knows how to switch off your ferocity or your passion or put out the fire inside of you.

Don’t blame yourself for the words you say in a world that wants you to be silent because you’re not the kind of person who is going to be silent about the things that matter especially when it comes to your feelings because you feel too much and in a world that curses those who feel too much, you still know it’s a blessing and you are confident that there’s still more of you out there and eventually you’re bound to find each other.