There’s A Place Out There For You That Will Make You Want To Stay

There’s A Place Out There For You That Will Make You Want To Stay

There’s a place out there for you. There’s a home waiting for you to own it. There’s a city waiting for you to roam its streets and alleys. There’s a neighborhood that’s been wanting to welcome you with open arms. There’s a place out there for you that’s waiting for you to find it. Maybe it’s taking you a bit longer than others to get there or a bit longer to figure out exactly where you belong but that doesn’t mean you’re behind or failing, it simply means that you’re not supposed to find that place just yet because there are still some lessons to be learned in the search for it. There’s still a lot more you need to know about yourself before you find a place that you can call home, before you find a place that has your name on it and before you understand what your heart really desires.

There’s a place out there for you but maybe you’re meant to move a few times before you settle in one place. Maybe your journey is still a bit turbulent. Maybe those twisted roads and wrong turns are redirecting you to another place, to another mission, to another purpose. Maybe your place right now is nowhere, maybe your place right now is the world because there’s still a lot to explore, a lot to learn, a lot to absorb and a lot to unravel.

There’s a place out there for you but maybe you’re meant to find it with someone else. Maybe you’re not meant to find it alone. Maybe someone will show up and guide you or show you a place you’ve never been before or show you a different kind of love that makes you believe in a different kind of home. A home filled with warmth and love. A home that has space for one more person. Maybe you’ll find your place when you stop being so stubborn about wanting to live alone. Maybe you’ll find your place when you heal all the past issues that made you believe that a safe place shouldn’t include anyone else. Maybe you’ll find it when you learn that sharing your space and your heart with someone else is not terrifying and it’s not stupid. Sometimes it’s wonderful.

There’s a place out there for you. I don’t know where or when you will find it. I don’t know if it will be everything you’ve ever imagined or something you never pictured. I don’t know if it will be cozy, calm and small or if it will be big, colorful and loud but I know that the moment you step foot in that place, you’ll get a feeling you’ve never felt before, you’ll feel like it belongs to you, it will reflect your energy and your spirit, it will feel like home, whether you know what home is or not. It will either remind you of your happy home or it will finally introduce you to the feeling of home that you’ve been searching for all your life. I know that when you see this place, you won’t feel scared or suffocated, you will feel free and you will stop running away from it. There’s a place out there for you that will make you want to stay. 

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.