I’m Slowly Learning How To Stop Wasting My Time
I’m slowly learning how to stop giving other people the right to define me or tell me who I should be.
Rania Naim
I’m slowly learning how to spend my time wisely and invest in what’s truly worth my time. I’m slowly learning that I have the power to end things that don’t serve me and say goodbye to people who are not good for me. I’ve wasted enough time banging on closed doors and feeling stuck in a cage because I thought that eventually, things will change, that with time, the things that confined me will somehow set me free but I’m slowly learning that this was a mistake, that time seldom changes anything but only confirms what you already know.
I’m slowly learning how to stop watering dead flowers and trying to revive hopeless situations. I’m slowly learning that some things are better left behind instead of trying to make them work. I’m slowly learning that I don’t have to waste my time trying to explain who I am to someone or trying to get someone to see my worth. I’m slowly learning how to stop giving other people the right to define me or tell me who I should be.
I’m slowly learning how to leave toxic situations sooner than later. I’m slowly learning how to spot the red flags and the warning signs before it’s too late. I’m slowly learning not to be afraid of walking away because you almost never regret leaving toxic situations behind. You never regret pulling the plug on the things and people that caused you pain. I’m slowly learning that chasing things and people who are not meant for me will only hurt me in the end. I’m slowly learning that good things take time and it’s better to wait than waste your time trying to rush all the wrong things into your life.
I’m slowly learning how to stop wasting my time looking back on all the people who wronged me. I’m slowly learning how to stop wasting my time seeking revenge or trying to fight battles I know I will lose. I’m slowly learning that I’ve already wasted a lot of time on the wrong people, the wrong jobs, the wrong friends and the wrong dreams but it’s never too late to take my time back and spend the next couple of years making up for this lost time.
Growing, evolving, healing and giving myself the things I kept looking for in all the wrong places. I’m slowly learning how to stop wasting my time or how to stop rushing things and trust the timing of my life instead. I’m slowly learning that it’s okay to take my time when it comes to the things that truly matter.