You Find Peace When You Move On From Low Vibrational Relationships

You Find Peace When You Move On From Low Vibrational Relationships

You find peace when you move on from relationships that don’t make you want to be a better person or a more loving person. Relationships that diminish you or hold you back from being who you are or force you to play unnecessary games. You find peace when you move on from people who make you feel bad for speaking up or telling the truth or simply showing your most vulnerable and raw sides.

You find peace when you move on from people who make you feel sorry for sharing your heart or giving your all. People who think your love is too much or too loud or too strong. People who can’t handle hearts like yours. You find peace when you move on from those who don’t know how to love you or those who aren’t looking for the kind of love you’re looking for. You find peace when you free yourself from that kind of low vibrational love because it’s the one thing you’re not willing to compromise. It’s the one thing you can’t do halfway.

You find peace when you move on from people who make you question the meaning of love and commitment. You find peace when you know how to detach from the people who want to love you in doses or those who want to use you or those who want to have you only when it’s convenient for them. You find peace when you choose to be alone instead of being in relationships that give you more headaches than butterflies.

Because the truth is life is already draining in other ways and love is supposed to feel like a breath of fresh air, something that lifts you up, something that inspires you to become even better, even bolder, even softer and it should feel like a piece of heaven. You find peace when you leave low vibrational relationships because if you’re working on yourself and if you’re taking care of your mental health, you automatically reject anything and anyone that could shake what took you years to build. You reject anyone who doesn’t make you feel alive. You reject anyone who makes you doubt yourself or doubt love.

You find peace when you move on from low vibrational relationships because that means you’re growing and that means you’re finally loving yourself enough and you’re not settling. That means you’re on your way to finding something real and solid because you’re not willing to risk your energy or your heart or your love for someone who is not on the same wavelength. 

You find peace when you let go of low vibrational relationships because that means you finally get it, you finally understand that when you make space for better things to come along, when you don’t settle, when you keep your vibrations high, you end up attracting exactly that. You attract a relationship that compliments everything you already are and these are always the best and healthiest relationships.

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.