I Hope You Know That You Don’t Have To Explain Your Choices To Anyone

I Hope You Know That You Don’t Have To Explain Your Choices To Anyone

I hope you know that you don’t have to explain your choices to anyone. Especially those committing to misunderstanding you or those expecting you to be someone who always plays it safe. I hope you know that you don’t have to stop yourself from doing what you want to do because someone else has a problem with it. I hope you don’t sacrifice your happiness because you’re afraid you might disappoint or upset others.

I hope you know that people will rarely understand why you do the things you do because they’ve never been in your shoes. They don’t know what moves you. They don’t understand what makes you happy or how long you’ve been waiting for something to happen. They don’t know why you hold on to some things and release others and they surely won’t understand your heart, why you love and forgive some people and why you let others go.

I hope you know that people will always tell you things they don’t follow. I hope you know that people will take things they never had to endure lightly. I hope you know that you don’t have to repeatedly ask people not to meddle in your life or your choices. You just need to decide. Choose for yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Grow as a result of your choices; whether right or wrong, not as a result of what people tell you. I hope you know that people will inhibit you if you keep putting their approval above your needs.

I hope you know that even if your choices were wrong or your emotions took over or you did something out of character that you don’t need people’s forgiveness as long as you can forgive yourself. I hope you know that everyone you meet is also confused about something or still learning and you can’t always count on what they say or what they show.

I hope you know that you’re the only one who’s going to live with your choices and you don’t have to defend them to those who are not living your life or going through your journey or dealing with your pain. I hope you never get trapped by their opinions and their judgments. I hope your choices always set you free.

I hope you know that you don’t have to apologize to anyone for your choices as long as you’re willing to admit to yourself that you made a wrong choice and as long as you’re always redeeming yourself or learning because you don’t owe these people anything but you owe it all to yourself. You’re always one choice away from changing your life and I hope you know that it’s always YOUR choice, not anyone else’s.

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.