I Know It Doesn’t Look Like It Right Now, But You Can Get Over Your Pain

I Know It Doesn’t Look Like It Right Now, But You Can Get Over Your Pain

I know it doesn’t look like it right now but you can get through this. You can dig yourself out of this hole. One more time. 

I know it doesn’t look like it right now but you will be able to walk with a smile on your face every morning again without thinking about the pain you’re enduring or the weight you’re lifting or the burdens you’re carrying.

I know it doesn’t look like it right now but God is listening, somehow, somewhere, he sees what you’re going through and he is not going to leave you in this mess alone. He won’t leave you unattended. He will not let your prayers go unanswered when he’s your only hope.

I know it doesn’t look like it right now but someone out there is making their way to you to make your life a little bit easier or carry some of your burdens with you. Someone out there wants to be by your side so you don’t have to face it all alone. Someone out there wants to make up for all the things that you were deprived of and all the people you lost. Someone out there wants to make you happy.

I know it doesn’t look like it right now but whatever is hurting you will soon just be a bad memory. Whatever you think you can’t get over, whatever you think you can’t replace and whatever you think you can’t handle won’t be a constant in your life. Maybe it’s been the same cycle or the same pattern, maybe it isn’t getting any better but it’s all about to end soon.

I know it doesn’t look like it right now but the things that aren’t making sense to you are about to form a certain picture that you can see clearly when the time is right. The dots are about to connect so you can solve the riddle. The closure is coming to you. The lesson is being learned. You’re on your way to better and bigger things.

I know it doesn’t look like it right now but you can still fight. One more time. You’re so close. Don’t give up now. It’s always the last key in the chain that opens the door and it’s always the hardest few seconds in the race that makes you a winner. It’s right before the happy ending that everything goes wrong so you can try to make it right. So you can safely say the worst is over and it can only get better from here. I know you’ve said and done it all before. But I need you to say it and do it all over again. You’re almost there. So believe and prevail. One last time. 

Because the truth is we will all get our share of the good and the bad days. We will have our breakthroughs and our breakdowns. We will all get our twenty seconds of fame and glory and we will get our twenty seconds of misery and disappointment. We will all get our share of joy and sorrow but the trick is not to let our sorrow linger or let our joy delude us. The trick is to bounce back quicker than we fall and look forward to a brighter future instead of dwelling on a darker past. The trick is to keep believing that you’re stronger than your pain and you will surely, overcome it.

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.