I’m Not Ready To Leave But I Have To Say Goodbye

 Sanksham Gangwar
Sanksham Gangwar

I’m not ready to leave but I have to because there’s no place for me in your life anymore. I’m not ready to leave but sometimes leaving is the only option you have left.

I’m not ready to leave but I think it will be easier if I do. I will put an end to all the nights we wondered, all the nights we thought about each other and never reached out, all the nights we said something that we didn’t mean and all the nights we had to see each other in the arms of someone else.

I’m not ready to leave but you have a habit of making me. With every door you close, with every conversation you cut short, with every word you swallow and with every romantic moment you take away by pretending like it didn’t happen.

I’m fearless but you make me want to play it safe. You make me want to protect myself from your never-ending roller coaster. You make me want to end the ride because you make me feel like we’re going to fall off instead of holding on.

And that’s the thing about goodbyes; they’re never easy, they’re never something you look forward to and they’re never something you do when you love someone.

But sometimes you have to, sometimes you just have to believe the ‘good’ in goodbye and move on to the next beginning or the next destination.

I’m not ready to leave or wonder if I’ll ever see you again but I have to say goodbye and accept that there might not be any more magic between us. There may never be any epic comebacks or reunions set by the universe or fates colliding in the middle of a stormy night.

Maybe the only word that’s left unsaid between us is goodbye.

And maybe I have to say it first before you leave without saying a word like you always do.

Or maybe I should leave without saying a word too because we loved each other in silence and maybe we just have to part in silence too.

Because we always understood our silence more than our words.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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