30 Beautiful Moments In Your Life That You Will Never Forget
Sophia Sinclair

30 Beautiful Moments In Your Life That You Will Never Forget

The moment you get what you’ve been praying for and realizing that the world is not so bad after all.


1. The moment you faced a longtime fear. There is no greater feeling than doing what you were most afraid of and getting through it.

2. The moment you aced a difficult test. And that awesome feeling you get that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

3. The moment you started driving without supervision and played your favorite music the whole way.

4. The moment you got your first salary and how you felt that hard work truly pays off.

5. The moment you made a new friend knowing that you will be friends forever.

6. The moment your crush told you they liked you and how you couldn’t stop smiling.

7. The moment you land in your favorite country and how it breathes new life into you.

8. The moment you rest your head on the pillow after a productive day at work and how it’s bringing you one step close to your goal.

9. The moment your favorite team wins the championship and the euphoria that follows.

10. The moment you hold the baby of someone close to you, and how innocent and soft you become in that moment.

11. The moment you stand up for yourself after being quiet and patient for so long.

12. The moment you get what you’ve been praying for and realizing that the world is not so bad after all.

13. The moment you realize how loved you are by those around you and how supportive they are.

14. The moment that your pet welcomes you home every day as if you are the best thing that ever happened to them.

15. The moment after you’ve had a special conversation with a special someone and immediately feel the growing bond between both of you.

16. The moment you made someone smile after having a terrible day.

17. The moment you let go of someone or something that was holding you back and the liberation that came with it.

18. The moment you make your family happy; whether by being a good student, a good person or just being there for them when they need you.

19. The moment your friends do something sweet for you and remind you of how much they love you.

20. The moment you successfully complete a mission: losing weight, being more focused, being more positive…etc.

21. The moment you are done reading a good book and the inspiration you find in its words.

22. The moment you prove someone who doubted you wrong and the confidence you gain from it. Learning to believe in yourself more often.

23. The moment you master one of the hard yoga poses and the strength you feel after.

24. The moment you decide to be a little bit kinder to yourself and start slowly loving yourself with your imperfections.

25. The moment you receive a heart-felt thank you for touching someone’s life.

26. The moment your favorite song comes on when you have been waiting to hear it all day.

27. The moment you run into an old friend or an acquaintance unexpectedly.

28. The moment you go to the beach after a long time and the serenity you feel from the sound of the waves and the beauty of the sky.

29. The moment you finally understand why something happened to you and finally solving that riddle.

30. The moment of silence when you can truly enjoy your own presence and be grateful for the gift of living no matter how hard or easy your life seems to be.Thought Catalog Logo Mark