Pihu Yadav

Learning new things every day.
Articles by
Pihu Yadav
I Was Driving When My Dad Died
As I sit behind the steering wheel once again on the same highway where my dad gave me the tips I would use while driving for the rest of my life, I can’t help but think about my journey as a driver.
9 Things I Wish I Had The Courage To Say To You
I miss you. I know I don’t show it or say it, but I really do.
Here’s How You Might Be Gaslighting Yourself
Self-gaslighting is when you pick up all the bits and pieces of sentences that were thrown at you and start weaving a different reality from them.
23 Important Life Lessons, As Told By A 23-Year-Old
Nobody is going to love you like you do.
6 Things My Borderline Personality Disorder Wants You To Know
Having a mental disorder can be tough and scary, which is why it’s important to have the support of people around you.
How ‘13 Reasons Why’ Stopped Me From Hurting Myself
A lot of people ask me why I am depressed. Or what was so bad that it turned into this ball of dark smoke in my heart. Now I know, it’s never one thing. It’s all the little things building up to be a giant monster that swallows you alive.
Read This If It’s 3am And You’re Crying
Again, you’re worth it and so are your tears.
I’ve Been Skinny Shamed My Entire Life And I’m Tired Of It
So you’re telling me that calling someone fat to their face is offensive, but somehow telling skinny people to start eating is okay?
10 Reasons Why Being An Introvert Is The Best Thing That’s Ever Happened To You
Thinking comes naturally to you, just like blinking.