In Honor Of Wednesday, Here’s A ‘Mean Girls’ Quote For You
Aries: “You can’t sit with us.”
Aries, of course you’re one of Mean Girls’ most iconic quotes of all time. You’re a leader, more stubborn than all the other zodiac signs combined, and are incredibly competitive. If anyone’s taking the head seat at the table (or dictating where everyone else goes), it’s you. Plus, you’re never afraid to voice your real, unfiltered opinion. Brutal honesty, much?
Taurus: “On Wednesdays, we wear pink.”
Taurus, you love routine, tradition, and complete consistency. If you were a Plastic, you would be in it for the color-coded dress-up traditions. You stick to your rituals with unwavering commitment, so you’d definitely show up for a closet coordinated by days of the week. There’s nothing like a little order and stability to add comfort to your life, Taurus. l
Gemini: “She doesn’t even go here!”
Gemini, you’ve got a quick wit and a charmingly social personality, so you’re stuck with one of the most well-known quotes from Mean Girls, like, ever. You’re quick with the quips in any social situation (and maybe this quote even has two meanings for you with your own dual nature).
Cancer: “I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.”
Okay, Cancer, you’re probably not quite this sensitive, but your nurturing and empathetic nature is perfectly captured in this heartfelt quote. You genuinely care about others’ happiness and wish to bring harmony and comfort, much like this character’s innocent and well-meaning sentiment.
Leo: “That is so fetch!”
Leo, you’re an iconic sign who tends to run the trend. You’re not afraid to stay ahead of the crowd in all ways, and people love that about you. You’re all about genuine self-expression (especially if it gets you into the limelight), and you don’t mind what other people think about that – your confidence makes you successful. If you ever tried to make fetch happen, you’d definitely succeed.
Virgo: “It’s not my fault you’re, like, in love with me or something!”
Virgo, you’re ruled by Mercury – that’s the planet of communication. Even when you’re on top of your communication game, you tend to be a little blunt with how you talk to others. You’re straightforward and tell it like it is (because you’d probably want others to do the same with you). If you’ve ever slipped up a little like Cady when she spilled this iconic quote, just know you’re not alone.
Libra: “So you agree? You think you’re really pretty?”
Libra, you’re charming, witty, and great at balancing social interactions. You tend to avoid conflict completely, but you’re definitely a sign that can get away with a little passive-aggressiveness. Because you’re a social sign, you have a good idea of how to navigate even the worst social situations in the most eloquent way possible. Maybe your intended victim won’t even notice you meant to insult them. Did someone say negging?
Scorpio: “I can’t help it that I’m popular.”
Scorpio, your sign is known for your natural magnetism – you literally cannot help your own popularity. But let’s be honest, if you could help it, you probably wouldn’t want to. You’re unapologetic and confident, and you definitely don’t mind the intrigue that comes with being seen as charming and mysterious. We’ll go ahead and count this one as ‘owning your strengths’.
Sagittarius: “Why are you so obsessed with me?”
Sagittarius, you’re a fun-loving soul with an optimistic nature, and you’re also a free spirit that can never be tied down. Does this literally make other people obsessed with you? Probably. But you’re big on doing your own thing, so you also quite literally might not be able to understand the hype around your sign.
Capricorn: “We should totally just STAB CAESAR!”
Capricorns, you’re always one to get straight to the point. You’re not afraid to go to the extreme to deal with the challenges you’re faced with. Success is always a must-have for you. Maybe you get a little too passionate about Caesar when you’re under pressure, but at least you’re not afraid to voice your (ambitious) opinions.
Aquarius: “I’m a mouse, duh.”
Aquarius, you’re a quirky (and very original) sign – you like to go with what suits you, and don’t care too much about what other people think. To you, your own opinion is really the only one worth relying on. You’re also the innovator of the zodiac. Does that include innovating sexy mouse costumes for Halloween parties? Well, maybe. Why not?
Pisces: “It’s like I have ESPN or something.”
Pisces, you’re often described as an empath – you have on-point intuition, dreams that often reflect your subconscious, and are great at introspection. You’re so good at reading other people, it’s almost scary – you might be able to pick up on emotions other people are trying to hide just based on your own perception. While these qualities might not give you ESPN, you definitely have ESP.