All The Things The Scale Won’t Tell You
It won’t tell you the way your eyes light up when you talk about the things you love. It won’t tell you that your laugh is a noise that makes the rest of us not feel so alone. You’ll never be told your worth.
The scale is a complete and utter lie. It whispers promises of happiness and success if only we can reach a number on its screen. It holds immense power over us, and becomes the source we look to, to find our worth.
What is it about a piece of plastic, or glass, or whatever the heck it is made out of that becomes what we trust our entire identity in? Why do we give something so insignificant the control to determine our entire significance as human beings?
The scale can tell you one thing and one thing only. A number. Your relationship with gravity. And that is it. A simple number, that tells you nothing except how much your body weighs. And in all reality, why do we even care?
And I don’t mean we shouldn’t care about our health. I just mean that weight is but a mere aspect of health, and most certainly not the indicator of whether or not someone is healthy. Health comes in all weights, shapes, and sizes. But the scale, the scale comes in one size: NOT SKINNY ENOUGH.
Weight as a means of measuring beauty and worth is a socially constructed idea. Because the truth is beauty and worth is far too vast to be measured or weighed. Your soul is something so breathtaking that no scale could ever even begin to comprehend a way to measure its beauty.
So we know what the scale can tell you. It can tell you a few digits that are of almost no relevance to who you are on this earth. We know it can tell you lies. It can scream insults at you and it can watch you cry as it forms a number to reflect back at you. It can tell you you’re too this, or not enough of that. But what can’t it tell you? What is hiding behind that number? What are all the things the scale won’t tell you?
Well here’s the thing. If you ask the scale what it’s hiding, it’s not going to tell you. Most of us are completely oblivious to the fact that the scale actually tells us very little information, and even more so, what it does tell us is of little to no importance. This makes it undeniably difficult to find a way to decode the scale and figure out what it’s hiding from you. To find, what about you, that is actually true.
But that’s what I’m here for. The scale will NEVER tell you, all the things that I am about to.
It won’t tell you the way your eyes light up when you talk about the things you love. It won’t say a peep about the way that dress compliments your God given curves. You won’t be told that that smile of yours lights up every room you walk into. You’ll never know that the way you radiate life makes the very essence of you glow. The scale won’t tell you that your laugh alone, is a noise that makes the rest of us not feel so alone. It won’t whisper in your ears, the way your comforting hands have dried so many tears. You’ll never be told your worth, or how this world needs your unique gifts on this earth. Your beauty won’t be mentioned, or the way it grows with every adventure. And it most definitely won’t tell you, that no number will ever be able to tell you, anything about what it is about you, that truly makes you, you.
This world needs the gifts that only YOU can bring. We need you. The real you. And when I say you, I don’t mean 90 pound you, or 900 pound you. I mean we need your heart, your soul, and your light. And that will stay the same regardless of what the scale says or what that number changes to.
Take care of your body. It’s important for you to be healthy, so we can keep you around for as long as possible. But don’t fall for the societal lie that the way to take care of yourself is to hate and berate yourself into a new bikini. Treat yourself with love. Eat vegetables, and eat cupcakes when you want them too. Go for a run, and spend a rainy day curled up with popcorn and a movie marathon. Live your life. And in order to truly live, you have to let go of the scale. Because that is something of death, not of life. And you are full of too much light, to not let all of who you are shine through this life.