Monica Torres

Recovering cynic, writer, therapist, and traveler searching the wold for purpose, meaning, and fine wines.
Articles by
Monica Torres
Relationships Should Not Be That Hard
Relationships are indeed hard but they are also intended to be rewarding and fulfilling.
The Truth Is I Don’t Want To Be His ‘Everything’
Loving another does not require us to love ourselves less. In truth, losing who we are by loving another is not love at all, but rather infatuation.
Sorry But ‘Needing Closure’ Is A Bullshit Excuse That’s Keeping You From Moving On
Closure is a decision that comes from a place of empowerment not one of acquiescence.
Why We Owe It To Ourselves To Stop Falling In Love With Potential
Real life is not a Nicholas Spark’s book in which a person changes every fiber of their being for true love.