Molly Burford
Writer. Editor. Hufflepuff. Dog person.
The Top Talking Stage Red Flags You Definitely Shouldn’t Ignore
The talking stage is a time to assess whether someone is worth going for (or better off letting go).
What Happens When You Finally Stop Settling For A Bare Minimum Man
When you finally stop settling for a bare minimum man, you will first mistake his absence as loneliness. Everything in your life will be much quieter. Your phone will stop vibrating as much.
How To Deal When His Energy Randomly Shifts
You’ve been seeing and talking to him for a few weeks or maybe even a couple of months, and things are going so well. For starters, you have so much fun together. The chemistry is undeniable.
8 Things People Who Became Close With Their Parents In Adulthood Understand
The relationship you have with your parents is one of the most fundamental and impactful relationships you have.
Things That Will Always Restore Your Energy
Read this when you’re feeling worn out and need a serious boost.
Please Know Your Mental Illness Does Not Make You Difficult To Love
I have borderline personality disorder (BPD), an emotional regulation disorder that makes navigating daily life difficult. It affects every facet of my existence including my relationships, self-image, work, and general functioning.
15 People On The Randomly Absurd Marriage Advice That Actually Helped
Here are 15 people on the absurd and random marriage advice that actually helped their own. 1. Always choose to be kind. Dad said, ‘Be kind even if you’re not feeling it. Maybe especially if you’re not feeling it. semantician 2.
4 Reasons Why Letting Go Of Your ‘Type’ Can Help You Find Love
1. You stop limiting yourself. First, the most obvious reason to date outside of your usual type is that you expand your options.
7 Of The Best Movies To Watch After A Breakup, According To Reddit
Breakups suck. Movies help.
The Ugly Truth About Situationships And Why You Should Never Get In One Again
In a dating culture that both thrives on non-commitment as well as our collective fear of dying utterly and completely alone, it only makes sense that situationships have become so common.
Signs He’s Only Giving You The Bare Minimum (And You Should Move On)
You deserve more than the bare minimum. You deserve genuine interest, effort, and appreciation. Here are some definitive signs he’s only giving you the bare minimum (and that you should definitely move on).
7 Signs You’re In A Situationship (And It Won’t Become Something More)
A situationship is considered to be a casual, undefined relationship that can actually be harder to define than you might realize.
How To Know Each Zodiac Sign Likes You (Based On Their Texts)
Aries: They just tell you they’re into you outright. Aries is probably the boldest of the entire zodiac. They are fiery and barrel headfirst into everything they do. This is especially true when it comes to dating.
This Is The One Question You Need To Ask Yourself To Find Out If He Wants You
If you’re trying to figure out if he wants to be with you, there is only one question you need to ask yourself in order to know: Where is he, and why isn’t it with you? No, seriously.
Struggles The ‘Last Single Friend’ Will Relate To On A Spiritual Level
When you’re the “last single friend,” it’s easy to feel stressed about your relationship status, mostly because of how everyone else in your life makes you feel about flying solo.
22 Men Discuss The Biggest Green Flags That Make A Woman ‘Wife Material’
In a world that’s so focused on finding the red flags, it’s easy to forget that green flags are just as important.
The Top 5 Professions Women Should Avoid In A Spouse, According To A Divorce Lawyer
When it comes to red flags in a potential partner, we tend to solely look at their behavior, the things they say and do that could signal they may not be the right person for us.
The Top Profession Men Should Avoid In A Spouse, According To A Divorce Lawyer
After jettigirl28’s viral TikTok about the top five professions women should avoid in a spouse, users were quick to ask her for the top career paths men should avoid in their spouse.