Molly Burford
Writer. Editor. Hufflepuff. Dog person.
Please Don’t Date Him Just Because He’s ‘Nice’
He’s just so nice to me, I sputtered as I sobbed into my pillow after another romantic endeavor had come to a screeching halt. This time felt extra painful, though.
Love Is Taking Longer To Find Me, And That’s Okay
I have always been someone who has been intimately aware of our limited time. Ever since I was a little kid, the days always felt too short, the nights never seemed to last long enough, and I couldn’t help but have…
Date Someone Who Turns The Mundane Into Magic
When we think about what we associate with love, we tend to think of it in a macro sense. The big, spectacular moments we consider milestones, the signs the relationship is going to last and that it’s real.
How Andrew Garfield’s ‘Chicken Shop Date’ Made The Internet Believe In Love Again
Powerful Lines From Literature That Will Really Make You Think
The half-life of love is forever. Junot Diaz, This Is How You Lose Her All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina Scared is what you’re feeling.
If You’re Going To Soft Ghost, Do Her A Favor And Just Leave Instead
Soft ghosting is when someone you’re dating or talking to begins to slowly fade out of your life. While they may still be responding to your texts, their replies become shorter and more distant as time goes on.
Questions To Ask Yourself When You’re In Need Of A Huge Change
“I feel like I need a HUGE change,” one of my best friends texted me on a Sunday night. Interestingly, she messaged me while I was in the midst of my own existential meltdown.
I’m Slowly Learning The Right People Always Stay
I’m slowly learning the right people always stay. They don’t leave when things get tough, making up excuse after excuse until they gradually fade away from my life. Rather, they hold space for me. They choose me. They show up.
4 Amazing Examples Of Color Psychology In Movies
Color can be used as a powerful tool in filmmaking, conveying meaning and mood to enhance a movie’s storytelling.
Incredibly Specific Struggles Only Elder Emos Will Understand
If you’re an elder emo, you’re wistful and nostalgic and most likely mentally ill now. Thankfully, you’re not alone. We elder emos need to stick together.
Read This When Your Best Friend Walks Away Without Saying Goodbye
I recently had a dream about a former best friend. It’s been years since I’ve seen her and, to be honest, I haven’t thought of her much lately. But still, every now and then, she comes to mind.
15 Movies So Disturbing You Won’t Be Able To Forget Them, According To Reddit
“‘Mother!’ That movie is such a fever dream.”
Feelings Aren’t Facts: Reminders For People With Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is an emotional regulation disorder that is estimated to affect 1.4 percent of the U.S. population.
Lessons ‘Someone Great’ Taught Us About Friendship, Self-Love, And Letting Go
SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for the 2019 Netflix movie Someone Great. Someone can be a wonderful person and still not the right person for you.
Some Better Things To Do Besides Texting Your Ex
Dance to Rihanna in the kitchen. Call your mom just to say you love her. Rearrange your room. Choose yourself. Swipe on Hinge. Pretend you never met them, even if it’s just for a night.
Reasons He Keeps Watching Your Instagram Stories After You Breakup
It’s Saturday morning and you open up Instagram to rewatch your own Story (we all do it, no shame) after you posted a few fun pictures and videos after a night out with your girlfriends.