Molly Burford
Writer. Editor. Hufflepuff. Dog person.
17 Iconic Pop Culture Moments That Define The 2000s
The early 2000s were truly one of the most iconic and wild ages in pop culture history. After all, the early 2000s gave rise to the dawn of reality TV.
6 Of The Cutest TV Couples
These couples are truly perfect for each other. Here are six of the cutest couples in television history. 1.
7 Romantic Movies Based On Real Love Stories
Here are seven romantic movies that are based on true love stories. 1. The Big Sick The Big Sick (2017) is the true story of how comedian Kumail Nanjiani met his wife Emily Gardner.
5 TV Character Duos Who Are The Definition Of ‘Platonic Soulmates’
Platonic love matters just as much as romantic love, and these TV character duos are proof. Here are five TV character duos who are the literal definition of “platonic soulmates.” 1.
40+ Deep Movie Quotes That Will Make You Think
Here are 40+ deep quotes from movies that will really make you think.
Rewatching Your Favorite TV Shows Can Be Good For You, According To Science
If you love to binge watch your favorite TV shows over and over again, despite being made fun of by your friends and maybe even worrying them at times, you’re in luck!
4 Shows You May Not Have Known Were Based In Detroit
Here are four shows you may not have realized were based in Detroit, Michigan. 1.
Captain Holt’s 9 Most Hilarious Lines In ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine,’ Ranked
“I have zero interest in food. If it were feasible, my diet would consist entirely of flavorless beige smoothies containing all the nutrients required by the human animal.”
4 Forever Love Lessons From ‘When Harry Met Sally’
When Harry Met Sally is a classic for a reason and that’s because it’s perfect but also because it still endures after all this time.
Getting Over Limerence: The Ultimate Guide
Alexa, play “I Want You To Want Me” by Cheap Trick.
6 Mental Health Lessons From ‘Simone Biles: Rising’
“You can only silence the noise for so long until it gets to you.”
33+ Of The Most Important Movie Quotes About Life
Here are 33+ of the most profound movie quotes about life.
A24 Has Released The First Trailer For ‘We Live in Time’ (And It Will Make You Ugly Cry)
You know it’s going to be real a tearjerker when the film’s trailer has you sobbing.
3 Times Carrie And Big Were The Actual Worst Together In ‘Sex And The City’
Big refusing to introduce Carrie to his mom (red flag) and then Carrie trying to force an introduction anyway (weird, stalker behavior).
You Deserve More Than A Bare Minimum Man
Usually, his excuses will depend on the concept of one day because “one day” absolves him of any responsibility in the present.
4 Toxic Communication Styles That Lead To Divorce
According to research by Dr. John Gottman, founder of The Gottman Institute, there are four communication styles (The Four Horsemen) that can predict divorce with 90% accuracy. These four toxic communication styles are criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.
10 Of The Best Movie Quotes About Heartbreak And Moving On
“What a loss to spend that much time with someone, only to find out that she’s a stranger.”–Joel (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
5 Of The Best Movies About Journalism
The Post (2017) is the true story about The Washington Post journalists trying to publish the damning, infamous Pentagon Papers.