100+ Catchy Emo Usernames
Emo usernames are FTW! xD
If you’re still stuck in 2003, it might be time to start treating your social media accounts like AIM and change your user names to emo usernames instead. The right followers will understand.
Whether you’re My Chemical Romance’s biggest fan or just have a lot of emotions you have yet to work through in therapy, give your Instagram account, Discord user name, or whatever other platform you prefer the emo upgrade it deserves.
How to Create An Emo Username: Tips

But what makes a username sound emo, anyway? In order to make a good username that sounds emo, there are some best practices to consider.
While there is no one way to be emo, there are some elements that can help make your username reflect the emo kid you will always be:
Random numbers: If blink-182 can choose a random number for their band you can for your emo username.
Spell words with numbers: For example, use “3” in place of “E” or “4” in place of “for.”
Underscores: You know, for *~edge~* Seriously, though, simply add a random underscore at the end or beginning of a username and BAM. EMO. You can also switch up the capitalization of letters, words, etc.
Puns: When in doubt, pun it out. Think references to the best emo bands, obscure movies, whatever comes to mind when you hear the word “emo.”
Personalized: The perfect name for any kind of account, whether it is an emo username or otherwise, should be personalized for the person who holds the account.
Emo Username Ideas

Below are 100+ cool and catchy emo usernames you can use for any social media account, from your Instagram username to your YouTube channel to your Twitter.
Search the below list of emo usernames to find your perfect match. Just make sure to check their availability first (though you can always add an underscore in the right place to make it unique).

For example, if you like the username “g0thb4by” you could change it to “goth_baby92” or whatever makes the most sense for you. Remember, these are just suggestions. Don’t be afraid to use your creativity and own ideas.
- itwasntaphasemom
- eternalsadnessbrigade
- live_laugh_leave_me_alone
- takingbacksunday_butnotyou
- lobotomies4sale
- LonerStoner
- g0thb4by
- SilenceIsTheLoudestRaWrrrr
- damag3dgothbaby
- CharredBlackHeart
- xanaxandpanicattacks
- allpanicnodisco
- GerardIsTheWay
- TeenAngstLifestyle
- BlackParadeMember
- SallyWithoutJack
- VansForSaleNeverWorn
- requiemformychildhoodbedroom
- scenekid4ever
- d4ddyissues
- my_chemical_imbalance
- gothl0ser
- radioheadstan
- PsychWardCutie
- _xxTheAngelFromYourNightmare_xx
- MaliciousMuppet
- WoundedWarriorPrincess
- ChurchofRamen
- FueledBySpite
- SufferingSadGirl
- SadGirlClubPresident
- lovelessbimbo
- depressionsessionpartyof1
- debbydown3r
- captain3motional
- XxHopelessRomanticxX
- andheartssemicolon
- TearsForYears
- reformedcoolgirl
- CEOofrockbottom
- dudewheresmydad
- YourFaveBloodyValentine
- sk8rboi4ever
- darkacademia
- dudewheresmySSRI
- prozacprincess
- inthebizofmisery
- left4dead
- darknesswon
- theghostofu
- urgonnahearmeRAWR
- poppunkprincess
- notyourb4by
- ineedadoctor
- dejectedandrejected
- gothgoddess
- lonelylheartsclubmember
- brokenhearted
- emostateofmind
- outcastedextrovert
- yourlocalwallflower
- hexmeback
- mascarastainsandemotionalpains
- deadinside
- theperksofbeinganoutsider
- smashedpumpkin
- satansassistant
- thepsychwardcalled
- kurts_ghost
- courtneydidntluvhim
- nobody_likes_me_at_any_age
- stockholmsyndromeandcyanide
- sinsandsadness
- falloutgirl
- iwillfollowuintothedarkness
- godofthegoths
- bossofthemallpunks
- comeasurbutnotlikeme
- thegirlattherockshow
- yourworstnightmare
- the_skellingtons
- emokidsfanclub
- andscene_kid
- confessionsonthedashboard
- concrete_emo
- thesadnesspersists
- yourkonstantine_
- newfoundgory
- myownworstenemy
- abandoned_angel
- _emotional_support_group_for_sad_bitches
- still_eating_lunch_alone
- miseryluvscompany
- whatsmyrageagain
- iwritetragediesnotsins
- callingallsadkids
- skullsandpotions
- headinthestormclouds
- iamdatingpetewentzinmydreamz
- mrsbrightside
- abandoned_wishes
- cheerupemokid