This Is The Heartwarming Tale Of Turbo Roo, The Two-Legged Chihuahua

Thought Catalog recently attended Purina’s Better With Pets summit–a conference that brought together scientists, researchers and other experts on the leading innovations in pet care. Here is one of our favorite moments, brought to you by Purina.

Turbo Roo was born without his two front legs. He was given up for adoption and was quickly taken in by couple Ashley Looper and Ray Hurt. According to his website, Turbo Roo loves to lick condensation off of cups and nibble on his paws.

At Purina’s Better with Pets summit, Turbo Roo and his human family were given the stage to talk about the process of developing his wheels. In fact, “rocket scientist” Mark Deadrick, who spearheaded the segment, helped design Turbo Roo’s prosthetic wheels. He explained that there were a lot of iterations, especially since the first design was too cumbersome for little Turbo Roo. In the end, Deadrick settled on a two-wheeler (and a smaller size), which fit Turbo Roo’s body almost perfectly! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

This post brought to you by Purina. Check out Better With Pets to see more inspiring stories about innovation in pet care.

image – Turbo Roo

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.