30 People Are Even More Oblivious To Flirting Than You Are

28. HiImAThrowaway125

A co-worker who was engaged was talking to me about how she wanted to have one last fling before she got married, and wanted it to be with a married man so there wouldn’t be much of a chance of it getting out to anyone else. I’m married and it didn’t dawn on me what she was suggesting until years later. To be fair, though, wouldn’t have happened even if I had clued in on it.

29. CaptainWhisker

I had gone on a date with this guy, but he was a little new to the whole dating thing(no big deal, but made him a little oblivious). A few days after our date we were sitting in the cafeteria of our college, just sitting and chatting. I place my hand on his leg while laughing, and leave it there afterwards. His reaction, “What? Is something wrong?” Whoosh

30. TexasHays

Last night at a bar I was playing some pool and this woman was standing with her friend and said rather loudly, “I just want to meet a guy with a beard.” They hung around a bit longer and then left.

I was busy playing pool and didn’t think about it. Once they left my friends looked at me and screamed, “You’re the only fucking idiot out here with a beard.”

I’m dumb. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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