30 People Are Even More Oblivious To Flirting Than You Are

25. myleftsockisadragon

I literally told my SO that I came in my sleep while dreaming of him, but no, nothing. Sigh…

26. VesuvanDoppelganger

A girl at a party told me I looked just like the lead singer from Everything Everything. I’d never heard of that band but uhh… thanks… I guess I’ll google it at some point. So a bit later, a pretty catchy song came on and she said something about how she would fuck anyone who looks at all like the guy from this band. You can see where this is going, but it whooshed right over my head.

On the drive home, that same catchy song came on the radio, and then the DJ said “That was Cough Cough by Everything Everything” and I nearly crashed my car when my dick climbed out of my pants and punched me in the face.

27. flargenhargen

I’m a guy, and a friend weaseled her way over to watch a movie at my place with me. I didn’t think too much of it.

We were happily watching a movie, then another. Me on my side of the couch, her on her side.

After the second movie, she just looked over at me and said out loud, “oh fuck it”

At that point, she literally just jumped me.

and, as clever as I am, that’s the moment I realized she was interested in me… when she was on top of me removing her clothes.

I’m pretty quick sometimes.

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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