41 Short Stories Of Unforgettable Evil From 41 People

10. kittybrown13

Recently found out that the property management company we were using was just taking our money and ignoring our tenants for years. They started acting shifty with the rent deposits and we finally fired them and got into direct contact with the tenants, and found out about all the repairs that the tenants had had to scrape their own money together to fix, and other things they couldn’t afford to fix or weren’t bothering them enough to pay for on their own. I was mortified and so, so angry. A month later and we’ve fixed everything and are taking bids for some greater improvements to the home.

11. beancounter2885

Just a week ago, I was biking down a bike lane on a city street in the middle of rush hour. Some guy comes jogging up the bike lane opposite traffic. I can’t swerve around him because of the car traffic, so I keep going, expecting him to hop on the sidewalk. Instead, he punches me in the stomach as I pass by, calling me an asshole. I fell into oncoming traffic and was an inch away from getting run over by a pick-up truck.

12. jw9364

This drunk asshole, whom I was delivering pizza too, answers the door with a small dog barking behind him. He’s yelling at the dog which is following him

When he slams the door behind him he catches the dogs to back legs in the door. Then he turns around and kicks the dog so hard it dislodges the dog without the door opening while yelling at him to shut up.

I’ve never wanted to hit a person more in my life

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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