41 Short Stories Of Unforgettable Evil From 41 People
After his dad and brother got out of the hospital, I went by the give my condolences and spent most of the time sitting in my friend's room talking to his brother. It later turned out the brother hired two people to kill his family, shoot him in the arm, and then escape to try…
Michael Koh
Found on r/AskReddit.

1. Richard_Fitzsnuggly
I grew up with a guy that lived just down the road. He was the local small town bad seed and everyone knew it. He reveled in it. He vandalized a 150 year old historical home dear to our town. He then went on to sodomize his 6yr old cousin. He was in and out of jail, heavy into drugs. Everyone knew he would eventually kill someone. When he was in his early twenties he beat an elderly woman to death in a mobile home for her social security check. He is still in prison at this time. He is the only person that I have ever met that is evil in its purest form.
2. bradt08
I was working in the ER of a local hospital one time and had this baby come in, bleeding from everywhere but we could not pinpoint it. Eventually we are about to put a breathing tube in and lifted the baby’s chin to realize that somebody had slit its throat. Freaked everybody out.
3. Carabeli
My friend and his mother were murdered during a break in at their house during Christmas. After his dad and brother got out of the hospital I went by the give my condolences and spent most of the time sitting in my friend’s room talking to his brother. It later turned out the brother hired two people to kill his family, shoot him in the arm, and then escape to try and inherit the family wealth.
4. g00sefrabaaaa
When I was young, a stray cat used to hang around my house a lot. My dad would give it milk and some food all the time. One day, an old racist couple moved next door. my mom and I went over to welcome them, they creaked the door open and yell “get off our property you f**** filipinos! and tell your other n**** neighbors to stay away!”
well one day, they saw my dad feed the stray cat. later that afternoon, my dad went to take the trash out and heard a horrible crying near our fence. he goes to look and finds the cat wrapped in barbed wire, bloodied, and the tail cut off. I helped my dad take the cat out, called animal services and the police on the neighbors. I was a younger then so I’m not sure what happened but they one day packed up and left.
5. cantspellawesome
I lived in London UK during the riots they had in the summer of 2011. I lived in Clapham Junction, right near the corner, up the street from Debenham’s, and across from a place called Party Superstore. I saw a lot of bad shit that night that made me feel uncomfortable with humanity — a mother holding the metal gate of an off license shop open so that her 9/10 year-old could squeeze in and start passing bottles of booze out to her — a herd of women walking into Debenham’s empty-handed, then back out with fully-stuffed roller luggage — and people throwing rocks at photographers. But the worst? The absolute worst feeling I ever had was seeing the look of terror on people’s faces in the windows of the flats across the road when they realized some looters had set the costume shop beneath their apartments on fire. It was like staring into an aquarium of panic. I think the looting was pretty bad, and the vanadlism too… but the complete lack of regard for the people living in the apartments above Party Superstore was chilling. I can remember a group of guys coming out of the shop in blank white masks, and one of them had a Jester’s hat on, and swayed beneath a street light while watching the shop catch fire.
The smell of the fire stuck with me for days. The guy who owned the shop, named Duncan – is a really great guy too. He ran a charity for Burmese orphans… That was a hell of a night.
6. JollyLoner
About 8 to 10 years ago a riot broke out in the third world country from which I originate. I was 10 or 12 years old (depending). We lived close to a short commercial street. That rage filled evening I witnessed one of the most heartbreaking, evil things to date.
Over the period of a couple of hours, a huge angry mob accumulated. There was a loud ambient noise of people shouting and screaming. So my curiosity led me to investigate even though I was told to stay away. As I watch from a distance, the mob started with a poor man’s shoe shop. A humble man, who probably had no insurance what so ever and had a small fortune’s worth of stock at the property, begged and pleaded at looters to stop. He got shoved around and abused which led him to break down into tears soon after. Some heartless waste of a human being threw a Molotov or something incendiary in the shop despite seeing the owner beg and cry. As the fire blazed out of control the mob moves on to the next victim while the owner retreats to the middle of the road in anguish. He sat there sobbing while watching his major financial investment turn to ash.
7. needmoretape
I saw a guy abandon a kid. Just pulled up to a random area near a park, threw the kid out of the car and drove off. I wont forget hearing some other man who was in the area screaming at the driver as he pulled away: “Your son, your son, stop man, stop!”
8. gimmebackmyracecar
Day 2 working at a photography store 12 years ago. Thirteen year old girl drops off film. It is of an adult man molesting her. Called cops, justice served. But left us with a serious “WTF?!”
9. tashaterror
I had a few girls set me up to be attacked by another girl on a trip to a nearby town. She attacked me at a party, and while she strangled me her boyfriend poured beer in my eyes so I couldn’t see. At the time I thought the girls I had made the trip with (the ones who set everything up) were my friends. After the whole ordeal ended I came to them crying and all they said was, “Fuck, we should have taken pictures!”
10. kittybrown13
Recently found out that the property management company we were using was just taking our money and ignoring our tenants for years. They started acting shifty with the rent deposits and we finally fired them and got into direct contact with the tenants, and found out about all the repairs that the tenants had had to scrape their own money together to fix, and other things they couldn’t afford to fix or weren’t bothering them enough to pay for on their own. I was mortified and so, so angry. A month later and we’ve fixed everything and are taking bids for some greater improvements to the home.
11. beancounter2885
Just a week ago, I was biking down a bike lane on a city street in the middle of rush hour. Some guy comes jogging up the bike lane opposite traffic. I can’t swerve around him because of the car traffic, so I keep going, expecting him to hop on the sidewalk. Instead, he punches me in the stomach as I pass by, calling me an asshole. I fell into oncoming traffic and was an inch away from getting run over by a pick-up truck.
12. jw9364
This drunk asshole, whom I was delivering pizza too, answers the door with a small dog barking behind him. He’s yelling at the dog which is following him
When he slams the door behind him he catches the dogs to back legs in the door. Then he turns around and kicks the dog so hard it dislodges the dog without the door opening while yelling at him to shut up.
I’ve never wanted to hit a person more in my life
13. josolsen
Back in second grade we had this teacher who was just mad and evil. No student liked her, no parent liked her, and those of the faculty that admitted how they felt also didn’t like her. All because she was just a nasty person. Description of her would be short thin red hair, the face of a crooked nose witch, and a medical condition that gave her elephant it is legs so she hobbled around on tree trunks.
There was a kid in our class who just did not have an ideal life. Terrible mom, no friends, sad stuff. Well he has a problem with keeping things tidy. He didn’t have a binder for his folders so his papers were just all over in his backpack, and his desk was completely disorganized. A lot of our desks weren’t perfectly organized either, mine included, but his was the worst.
The teacher, sitting at her desk at the front of the class, asks for him to turn in a paper. He lifts up the desk lid and begins his search. After a minute she asks what’s taking so long, and the poor guy is panicking because he can’t seem to find it after shuffling through the mess a few dozen times. She starts to raise her voice about what’s the problem is and she starts her slow hobble up the aisle.
He is in full emergency mode looking for this paper and almost in tears because he knows what storm is coming. We all do. Once she gets along side him and is able to see the disaster that is his desk, she is completely LIVID. She starts a tirade about how he is a mess and why is it like this. At the peak of her berating, and the kid is frozen with his head low and tears rolling down his face, she grabs the desk by the legs, flips it over above their heads and dumps everything onto the floor. This table flipping act was done in a packed room so I’m surprised no one nearby got hit by the flip. She then slams it down, and he flinches the last time. She mutters at him to clean it up. And for the rest of the period, through tears and sobs and shaky hands, he cleans it up while the room is silent and that queen bitch sits and watches from her desk.
Many of my teachers and other faculty members have passed and I have mourned each and every one, but her death will bring me no sorrow.
14. palmairal
My friend once moved the ‘YOU ARE HERE’ sticker on a public map. In a major tourist area.
15. Vitamin_gun
There used to be a guy in my neighborhood who lived across from my bus stop. No one ever really saw him go outside. Well one day when all the kids get off the bus, he lets his pit bull out the door. The dog starts attacking the kids, including me and my little brother. My brother and I run towards my house to try to get my BB gun. (I wasn’t gonna try to kill it, but lead it towards me so I could give everyone else a chance to run.)
Well, the door is locked and I don’t have my keys on me. The dog followed us and pins my brother and I up against my porch. We decide to do the thing in Jurassic Park where you stay still and shut up. It actually worked. My brother and I are up against the porch facing this dog for a good 5 minutes. Out of nowhere my mom comes up behind it and slams the dog’s head with her keys, making it run back home to its owner, who is laughing his ass off during the whole ordeal. He was arrested the next day. That dog made me hate dogs for years until I met the nicest dog in the world. But that pit bull bit three kids, and scratched a fourth. They got checked for rabies and needed shots.
16. datree
When I was in seventh grade, a kid I knew but didn’t really like because I knew he was an asshole comes up to me and says these two girls want to talk to me. One of the girls I thought was kinda cute so I follow him into the part of the field thats out of sight of the recess supervisor. While I started talking to the girl I liked, the other sneaks up from behind me with a piece of dog shit on a pencil and shoves it in my mouth. I pick some of it up throw it at her, then start throwing up my lunch in the field. The supervisor comes up and asks me what happened and if I’m alright and I tell her. I wasn’t the one that typically rats people out and tattle tails but I told ’em all the details. Fuck that girl it was disgusting. So as you probably already know, rumors spread like wildfire in JR. High so stories of me all ridiculous and most along the lines of me voluntarily picking up the poop, eating it and enjoying it.
TL;DR I was known as “poop eater” for the almost four years.
17. FutzBucket
I was friends with this guy in High School, and a few years after graduation he shows up at my house with $38,000.00 in cash. He tells me that his father left him the money to be given when he turned 21, and he asked me what he should do with it. I told him he should either invest it or use it to further his education. He agreed that was a good idea, asked me to hold his money for a day, he took $300.00 of it, and left.
He went to a mutual friend’s house, and when the friend found out he came into money, he asked him to get an apartment with him. He did, and he blew all the money partying for a year. Through the course of this year, he scored a girlfriend.
At the end of the year he had nothing. He didn’t work and he smoked and drank all the money away. His roommate informed him that he was going to get a new apartment with his girlfriend (ditching him now that he’s broke). My friend moved into his girlfriend’s house with her parents.
After about a month of sponging off of them and fighting constantly with his girlfriend, the father comes to him and says, “this isn’t working out. How about we all just agree that this isn’t good for anyone, and you just move out?” My friend begged him to give him 2-weeks to turn this all around. The father assumed me meant he’d finally get a job.
He got his girlfriend pregnant.
The family now fully supports him by buying him a house. Last I heard, he’s still doing nothing while his wife (they got married shortly after she got pregnant) works fulltime as a cook.
18. Loaf_Butt
I was at the zoo with my family years ago(I was maybe 9) and we were at the gift shop before going home. I’m just wandering and see a father and young son (around 6, thin with glasses and a cast on one arm). I forget what he did, asked his dad for a toy or something, and his dad flipped. Didn’t start screaming or anything, but he grabs his kids uninjured arm and kneels down and whispers something along the lines of, “If you don’t stop with that, I’m going to break your other arm.” His voice and the way he said it was so terrifying, I couldn’t believe what I had just seen.
19. [deleted]
I was leaving the pub at closing time and there was a ruckus going on in the car park, I turn to see a huge drunk bloke throw a small guy on the floor, put his head against the curb and lay the fuck into him, kicking and stamping, I was almost sick at the sight of this. Me and a couple of friends ran over, threw the big guy off (there were three of us sort of medium sized, and it was hard to keep him down), I smacked him in the face and asked him what the fuck he thought he was doing, apparently the little guy looked at the big guys girlfriend in the pub. The little guy was out cold, I stuck around for the ambulance/police to give a statement, not sure what happened to the big guy but the little guy was in hospital for a long long time, turned out he was a friend of a friend and a really nice kid, said he doesn’t remember anything from that night or even from a lot of that week.
20. lifecraze
Seriously evil shit. Watch at your own risk.
21. 1radgirl
Dad of a newborn drowned the baby in the sink of their hospital room while the mom was away for tests. Worst day ever to be a nurse in the women and children’s unit!
22. DebateExposesDoubt
For 2.5 years, I was an autopsy assistant at one of the busiest morgues in the U.S. I spent my days either partnered with a forensic pathologist, doing the dirty work, or in a van driving around to crime scenes and hospitals to pick up victims. I saw an awful lot of evil shit, daily confirmations that mankind is capable of truly horrible acts.
A short summary of one of the worst things I ever saw: Some dad was driving drunk in the rain (flash flood situation) and had his three kids plus two children that belonged to friends in the backseat. He lost control of the vehicle (I think it involves the use of a cell phone) and ended up in deep ditch with the vehicle sinking in the water. Somehow he managed to kick out the back window of the car, and proceeded to CLIMB OUT OVER THE FIVE KIDS in the backseat. He swam to the shore and lived. Five elementary aged kids drowned.
The worst part was that we didn’t find all the kids at once. It was like a kid per day all week, further and further down the waterway. Their little school uniforms and High School Musical backpacks are burned into my memory.
That dad was evil via cowardice.
23. MissPoopsHerPants
Used to work at the courthouse in town. One day I needed to speak with a defendant in a domestic violence case. I shook his hand and spoke with him for a bit. I got a really bad vibe from him. Turns out he’d recently been released from prison, where he’d served a thirty-year sentence for murdering an 8 year old. Don’t know the circumstances of the crime, but it’s the only time in my life that someone has ever actually seemed evil to me.
24. sockshot
Happened to me a few months ago. I have an intense fear of heights, like hugely intense. So a few months ago i had a party on top of an apartment block in a penthouse and I made sure I was very very far from the edge. There were these 2 complete assholes from the grade above me who knew about my fear, so when they were pretty drunk they overpowered my and leaned me over the edge of a balcony up to the stomach level. Now these guys are pretty wasted and we are a good 30 floors up. I passed out from fear thinking I was going to die and woke up 2 hours later to find the two guys beaten up and kicked out, and I was still shaking pretty fucking violently. This was literally one of my worst nightmares come true.
25. Eshlau
I was raped when I was 16 and a sophomore in high school by an older classmate. My “friend” and her boyfriend were there that night, and had a hand in the event taking place.
I saw a school friend, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend’s cousin (I did not know the 2 guys) at a local restaurant, and she talked about how we never hung out, so we made some plans to hang out that night. I was told we were going over to one of the guy’s houses to watch a movie and eat pizza with a bunch of other kids. Being 16, I assumed this meant someone’s parent’s house, so I went along.
When we got there (they picked me up and drove), I realized that this was a one-bedroom apartment the 2 guys shared, and that they were actually older than I thought (they were like 19 and 21 but still somehow in high school). This was before kids had cell phones, so unless one of them drove me home, I had no way of leaving (there’s a lot more to this part, but for the sake of reading, I will leave it at that).
Long story short, everyone but me starts drinking as I nervously try to ignore that this guy (the cousin) is hitting on me hardcore. Because I am 16 and stupid and invincible, I fell for him talking me into going into the bedroom with him to talk, since my “friend” and her boyfriend started making out on the floor of the living room. Shortly after, he forced himself on me. He was much larger and stronger than me, and, being 16 and stupid and a “good kid,” I tried to talk him out of it at first, at one point telling him that my friend and her boyfriend in the living room were going to hear what was happening and come in or call the cops. He then laughed and said that there was no one else in the apartment. Turns out that they had an agreement that as soon as he got me in the bedroom, they were supposed to leave. And they did.
I once saw a horrible video depicting this sheep at a game reserve that had been backed up to a fence and was being shot over and over again with arrows by a novice hunter while it just bleated and looked past the fence. At the moment he said that, I felt exactly like that sheep.
Over the years I’ve always told myself that my friend and her boyfriend must not have known exactly what would happen, or they wouldn’t have left me there with him. But I know they probably did, and they were fine with it. I still cannot imagine how two people could be so cold and allow something like that to happen to someone who did nothing to them but be nice and naive and young.
26. HelpMeLoseMyFat
Going through homes in Iraq, clearing them.
Saw father shoot his own family then himself, rather than let us help him.
Two 8-9 year old children.
27. [deleted]
My brother was in Bosnia (I believe) before 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan, and he told me they came up on a crater that was filled with men, women, and children’s bodies who had been lined up and executed.
28. devoirz
When I was young, I saw a little girl get run over by a car, the person fled the scene, but I think they caught him hours later; many saw his license plate.
29. Darth_Sithis
A couple of jobs ago I worked with two of the best programmers I’ve ever met, call them A and B. Our boss (C) was also a programmer and he was good, but not as good as A and B. What C was good at was office politics.
A was one of those guys out of The Mythical Man-Month who could do 20x the work of a normal programmer. Guy should’ve been working for Google. He also saw himself as being this socially awkward failure but he really wasn’t that socially inept-I’d certainly met worse. He just loved programming. B was more socially awkward and not as good at coding, but he had UI design skills. He also had the “I’m just a nerd” thing going on.
Anyway, at my first Christmas party with this company I got drunk with C and he told me that he would be nowhere without A and B. They had all worked together elsewhere before and A and C went to high school together. This is when I started paying attention.
C would make constant subtle jabs at A and B’s social awkwardness, to reinforce their low self-esteem. Stuff like agreeing with and extending their self-deprecating jokes in a way that sounded funny at first but that you got to thinking about later. This was done in order to keep them from developing enough confidence to take their skills elsewhere.When C realized I had figured his game out, he started coming after me. He took my main project away from me to take credit for it. This was a new business line that was shaky when I started, but I worked hard on it to make the software work, and it had stabilized – right when all the other lines of business at this company started going south.
C needed to have a success on his plate, because he was about to get our VP fired. He got this done by kissing the asses of all of the VP’s peers and above, while refusing to allow A and B (or myself) to work on the VP’s pet project, which we could have saved. The project crashed and lost a few $million and VP was out the door, and hey, everyone knows C now and knows he’s a smart guy so let’s make him the VP.
When A and B started grousing about longer hours, he bought them all kinds of stuff – a huge grill, new PCs, whatever they wanted. He protected them at all costs while hanging the rest of us out. I left about 6 months after this.
The most evil part was what he did to A and B. They were too socially unskilled to realize they were being manipulated. They thought C was actually their friend, but guys like him don’t have friends, they have tools.
Not exactly rape and kidnap but it’s the most calculating shit I’ve seen since high school.
30. IamDoogieHauser
I witnessed this one fuckass trying to convince a sad teenager to kill himself. The kid looked like he gave up all hope, he wasn’t arguing back, he was just taking it all. As fuckass was walking away I then Punched him right in his fucking jaw. He dropped like Patrick Swayze. I hope that kid is doing all right today.
31. jamielsloan
About nine years ago, I was the passenger in my friend’s car driving west on I-70 towards the Lake of the Ozarks. While still on 70, I looked over towards the east bound side and saw a woman get out of her car, let her dog out, get back in and drive off while the dog was running after the car on the side of the interstate. To this day I regret not telling my friend to get off the next exit and head east bound to pick the dog up. Now, if possible, I always try to rescue strays. I hope someone witnessed this same atrocity and got that evil woman’s license plate.
32. BennyBoyBP
I live in a small town area (I live in a town of 2000) so crimes of any sort are noted widely. A couple of years ago we had something that still chills us. Some boys broke into a house one night, but before they broke in they had decided that if they found anyone in there they would kill them. So they break in armed with machetes, and find a mother and her 12 year old girl. They ended up killing the mother and maiming the girl. The girl lost many of her toes, has much scarring, and had to watch her mother die in front of her. The next day, after the crime was committed, the boys went to church as if nothing happened. They went to school after that, and no one noticed anything different about them. They were eventually caught and prosecuted fully. The fact that those boys knew what they were doing beforehand, and then went through with it on a little girl is just monstrous.
33. Nickelizm
I watched, as a helpless 12 year old, my sociopathic father choke my two beagle puppies to death with his bare hands.
Many more things that I’ve witnessed him stick out in my mind, but this is for some reason one of the most scarring. I can still hear the poor things’ squealing as their windpipes were crushed. Sometimes I wonder if I should seek therapy.
34. kr2c
There’s a bar near where I live in Michigan that I have been to exactly three times. First time: car broken into, dead grampa’s golf clubs stolen from it. Second time: five friends wrongly accused of rape (the accuser is still in prison, doesn’t pay to make that up) Third time: my car got stolen within 10 minutes of arriving at the bar, thieves crash it into patrol car and run. I’m later arrested as a result for leaving the scene of an accident and felony assault on a peace officer (car as deadly weapon) by the same cop who had written my stolen car report. He had zero recollection of me 2 hours after completing the report, and I spent two days in jail. Evil? It lives at Shorty’s Bar and Grill.
35. monkeysheet
Psychotic neighbor. Everyone in the neighborhood was terrified of him.
One night, his very pregnant wife is seen flying down the road in their van with him hot on her ass in his pickup trying to pull her over. She stops right in front of our driveway, gets out and tries to run towards our house, but it’s too late. He snatches a handful of her hair and jerks her off her feet, slamming her into the ground. As we’re calling 911, we can see him absolutely brutalizing her – punching, kicking, stomping – we yell out the door for him to stop, he’s killing her, but he threatens to kill us, too, so we stay inside, because we know he’d make good on the threat.
Cops show up, but he’s already gone, his wife a battered mess in the middle of the road. Later, we found out she’d lost one of the twins she was carrying and the other came out with a deformed face from the beating. She went back to him after her hospital stay and refused to press charges, just like all the other times he’d beaten her senseless. Bonus story: He left a bag of severed puppy heads on the back porch for his own children to find as punishment for not doing their chores.
36. masticating_1handed
My best friend got beat up by a group of guys over a cigarette, they asked her for one and she said no. Her cheekbone was broken, needed stitches. Whilst trying to run away she tried to flag down a passing taxi for help but it just drove past her. She somehow made it to near her house and her neighbor came out with a bat and the fuckers ran away.
She’s been the victim of at least 2 hit and runs.
She’s witnessed some other horrific shit too. She’s probably seen enough to cover an AMA. But she’s a tough cookie.
37. imaketoast
I watched a kid from my school bury a cat up to its neck, and then run it over with a lawn mower. I couldn’t think straight for a week.
38. GreenGemsOmally
A girl I knew in college faked terminal cancer. She got a LOT of sympathy and compassion from myself and a lot of our friends. A few of us shaved our heads in solidarity for her when she shaved hers, because she “knew” her hair was going to fall out.
The worst was when she walked in the survivor’s lap of Relay for Life. Once she got outed as a liar, this was the biggest insult and affront to me. I have a fraternity brother and very close friend who is struggling with cancer, and her lies and bullshit insult the very real struggle that so many people have gone through. She wanted attention because she wasn’t dying.
I understand that she has some serious mental health issues, but it still makes me very angry.
39. JewelsMonkey
Old lady purposely slamming on her brakes with motorcyclist behind her. One slams into her back, throwing both old motorcyclist onto the trunk of her car. They were both hurt pretty badly. And another motorcycle had to go off the road, and they hit a pole. The guy was okay, but his wife hit her ankle on the pole.
The old lady got out exclaiming angrily that she didn’t do anything wrong. Her turn signal was on. Bunch of bullshit! Her blinker was not on, and everyone who had been exiting the store that was facing the road saw what happened. She looked like she was ready to bolt, and she had this cold look on her face. Are you fucking kidding me? You just severely injured two old people on a motorcycle, and you don’t even care?
40. NeoConMan
I saw real evil twice….
In 1989 a N Korean prison barge broke loose in a storm carrying 39 prisoners and 4 guards out to sea. My ship found them…I won’t go into detail about what happened to the men and women (and one infant), but after we sent the guards back to N.Korea (they didn’t want to return) and sent the prisoners to Australia….N.Korea accused us of piracy.
In 1991 my ship pulled into Abu Dhabi. I hired a Pakistani as a guide/interpreter and we just wandered around the city, while shopping in the Souk I noticed that there was one (and only one) female not covered head to toe and she was following a woman closely
I noticed her because she had bright red hair. I asked my guide if foreign women didn’t have to be covered and he responded “only if you are a (unintelligible).” I couldn’t make out the last word , so after a few seconds he said “(unintelligible) means slave….its not legal but it is tolerated”. She was about 4 years old.
41. trufflesalad
Back in elementary school, I witnessed a classmate steal another kid’s holographic Charizard.