51 Absolutely Terrifying Unsolved Mysteries

8. caitlinadian

Taman Shud for sure.

9. JustAPoop

Those green kids from the 1800’s or something. the green children of woolpit, they said they lived underground, in a big civilization of green people. The boy died, the girl learned English and lost her ‘green tint’.

10. Crimsonnrose

Scariest unsolved mystery for myself is the ourang Medan. It was a ship that had sent out an SOS and then a message said “captain and his crew found dead in chartroom. Possible entire ship’s crew dead. I die.” And soon after, a boarding party was sent out. They found all the crew lying on their backs, eyes wide open and all out on the front deck. They found the crew’s dog barking at nothing and the ship sank as it was being towed to shore.

11. scrotum_nachos

Although a lifeboat was missing, The Mary Celeste still freaks me out. A lot.

12. RedditName

The Gilgo Beach Killer… 12 murdered and no suspects.

13. brettship2007

Every missing child case that is unsolved

14. Drooperdoo

I noticed a weird shadow in the corner of my daughter’s room that was never there before. It was an odd dog-shaped shadow (like the head and shoulders of a German Shepherd). After tucking her in at night, I noticed it. At first I paid very little attention to it. Then two nights later, I was driven to try and find the source of the new shadow. I turned off lights, put my hand in front of the venetian blinds over the window; I examined ambient light sources. Nothing I did affected the shadow, or allowed me to trace its source. It was bizarre. But I still wasn’t terribly spooked. Then one night, I found myself sleeping in my daughter’s bed (after her brother kicked me out of my own bed, subsequent to snuggling in between my wife and I.)

My daughter was away with her grandparents camping, so I took her bed. At around three in the morning, my foot brushed the wall (near the shadow). For some reason, my body recoiled–as if some instinctive, visceral impulse was telling me not to touch it. It was so jarring that I woke up a little bit. Only after that did I become more suspicious about the strange new shadow. I felt as if my subconscious (but no: not my subconscious. Something deeper and more primitive) was warning me about its true nature. I almost instantly dismissed this paranoid thought. But it resurfaced the next night, when my daughter came home and I was tucking her in. She said apropos of nothing, “Have you noticed that shadow there? The one in the corner? I’ve never noticed it before. But it’s been here since last week.” I was stunned that she, too, had recognized that it was new. (Like myself, she couldn’t determine its source.) It was just suddenly . . . there. I carried out my duty as a parent and pretended as if it was nothing. Just a trick of light, I said. I paid it no more attention, and encouraged her to do the same. Then a few nights later, I was unsettled yet again, when, just as mysteriously as it appeared, it vanished. No furniture was different in her room. Same venetian blinds. Same light fixtures. Same everything. But now suddenly, the shadow was gone.

What the hell was it? What created it? Why did my body (quite apart from my conscious mind) recoil when my foot brushed it? I’m a grown-ass man and I’m still perplexed by it.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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