50 Unintentional Quotes From Children That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

35. maimer__

“Get the fuck away from me, you young turd!”
image – tinou bao

Little brother was talking to someone in the living room while i was fixing lunch, i go into the other room and ask him who he’s talking to. Hes looking at the window and says this old lady, she’s very funny but doesn’t like you.

36. MokaFuzz

Not a parent but I’ve worked at a daycare centre. I was watching a little girl playing with one of the dolls. She was dressing it, putting it to bed, etc. At one point she put the baby on the toy stove. I asked her what she was doing, “I’m burning the baby,” she replied.

37. paula36

Well when I was a kid I slept walked one night and it freaked the shit out of my dad.

My dad heard a strange noise in the front of our house and walked out to see me sitting on our front step with the door open in the middle of the night. He asked me what I was doing, and I turned around and said, “I’m waiting for someone”.
I had no recollection of it in the morning. He was creeped out for quite some time.

38. Gavinardo

My parents were asleep. I apparently began sleep walking, never done it before, and never since that I know of. I went downstairs – I was about 7 I guess – and began rummaging through the kitchen. My dad apparently woke up soon after, and heard the noises. He was alarmed, and woke my mom. Told her to go make sure I was okay. He quickly got up, fearing an intruder in the house, and grabbed his .38 revolver. He hustled downstairs, held the gun up and flipped the lights on, only to see me having taken everything out of the fridge, arranging it on the floor. My mom discovered I wasn’t in my bed about this time I guess, and screamed for my dad. Her scream woke me up, and I was startled to see I was in the kitchen, food all around me, and my dad very frightened and holding a gun. My mom put me back to bed, and I woke the next day thinking it was just a strange dream.

Years later, as an adult, I realized it may have been real. I asked my dad, though he cringed while discussing it. Understandable. He pointed a gun at his own son.

Very scary night for him, more than me.

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