50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

43. Bluelabel

I was living with my girlfriend at the time and it was about 10 years ago. One night we were in bed and i woke up and i saw standing over my girlfriend a young man, i shit myself and jumped over my girlfriend and took a great big swing at this man standing over the bed hoping to knco him out by surprise. All i suceeded in doing was falling off the bed and waking my girlfriend when i hit the floor.

She asked what the hell was i doing, and i told her about the young man standing above her. She asked to describe him, to which i did and she replied, thats my friend who was killed a couple of years ago. He was a lumberjack and a tree fell on him while at work.

She showed me a photo the next day. Sure enough that was the guy standing over our bed.

44. absolutelyamazed

When I was 14 I was sleeping over at my friend Dave’s house. His grandma was there watching us because his parents were out of the country. When it was time to go to bed his grandma gave us both a hug good night. When she hugged me she grabbed my ass and slipped her tongue into my ear. Creeped me out so bad I don’t think I slept all night and never again at Dave’s house. Fucking creepy, man…

45. zanderf87

One night, as we are watching tv, our dog starts to bark, going crazy at the door. Much more so than he ever does, which is MAYBE once every couple months. But he was really different about it this time. Fast forward two weeks, cops are combing through the small forest that is behind our backyard fence. Turns out a woman was raped and brutally murdered there.

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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