50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

42. natezomby

I was in Bermuda in the off season (I think) with my Mom, Dad, little brother. I must have been about 5 or so, it was before my other brother was born and my sister was born.

I remember the hotel was empty and a man with a red vest/shirt got me some milk (I think).

I remember the beach was empty. Just so you know, most of the place was empty. Cheaper maybe for us to go?

I was on the beach with my parents and like 2-3 year old brother was with them. I ran off to explore. I saw my mom on the beach. “Come on Nate!”

There was a thicket area of scrubby bushes and trees along the beach. She went up into it. There was this cement square with pipes or vents or something coming out of it. She stood there, then saw me coming and kept walking into the thicket. I felt something was wrong, but didn’t want to be defiant so I pretended I was really interested in the pipe things and said aloud “I wonder what these are for?” or something. So if she got mad I could say I was interested in the pipes or something, not just disobeying.

As soon as she went out of view into the thicket, my Dad came up from the beach into where I was and yelled “Where have you been!? Don’t wander off like that!” or something similar.
He took my hand roughly and lead me back the beach where my mother and brother were.

I still don’t know what the fuck happened. The woman looked exactly like my mom but felt wrong…

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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