45 Insanely Creepy And Bizarre Stories That Will Make You Check Your Locks At Night

10. MattyT7

I went on my hike today a little later than usual, starting up the mountain at about 6:30. I had gotten off work a bit later than usual, but that hadn’t discouraged me from going on my hike. I love nature. I view my hikes as blessings, as opportunities to really take in the beauty that this world offers. I began the usual route, left at the giant rock, and continuing straight for a while before making another left at the large oak. However, when I reached the oak, there was caution tape stretched from another tree to the oak, effectively blocking off the path so that you were forced to make a right.
I had never taken a right at the oak tree, and I did not want to today. I am not familiar with the path and may get lost. That thought process is what led me to disregard the caution tape, and proceed left anyway. It was then already rounding 7 o’clock. The sun was setting, but I had experience hiking in darkness, and did not even hesitate in continuing on my hike. Besides, I always bring my lighter, and swiss army pocket knife whenever hiking, so I was not all that nervous.

I started up the left of the oak and marvelled at the gorgeous vegetation I was surrounded by. The wildflowers, the trees with their blossoming branches, and the insects scuttling around. I was in heaven. As I continued on the trail, I approached an unfamiliar scene. This trail normally continues up and up the mountain, to its highest point. One way up. One way down. However, as I looked ahead, I saw a fork in the trail. One way leading left, the other leading right. I had never before seen these two paths. Faced with a decision I was unfamiliar with, I could not decide whether to go right, or left. I was not ready to end my hike, so I just decided to make it easy and go right. That was probably the biggest mistake I have ever made. I should’ve turned back at the first thing I came across. After maybe a minute of walking on this stray trail, I saw something coming up on the path. As I neared the object, I noticed it was a compass. However, there was what appeared to be blood spattered on the glass casing along with many scratches. The needles were going back and forth, as if running out of control. Instead of turning back, I picked up the compass and placed it in my sweatshirt pocket. I continued on the trail, with nothing worth mentioning appearing for about 15 minutes. Then I saw it.

Up ahead in the distance, I saw what appeared to be a golf cart with a large yellow bucket next to it. I came closer and closer, and realized how incorrect I actually was. I can now say it is what looks like a poorly put together shelter, presumably housing a homeless person. When I passed the shelter, I got a good look on the inside. I saw a few scattered sheets of paper, a candle, what looked like some roots, and a few poorly made small brown dolls. I had no interest in exploring the small shack, and continued on my hike. 20 minutes go by. I am nearing the top of the mountain. The sun has completely set but it is still slightly bright outside, loads of visibility.

I reach the top of the mountain, and relish the view. I can see the entire city, with a 360 degree view of it all. Nature is gorgeous. I’m getting ready to make my way down and back to the bottom to my car. Then I see him.
A man with a thick brownish-gray beard, slightly balding, and a little bit overweight. He is visibly shaking and mumbling to himself. I assume that this is the homeless guy which lives in the shack I had come across. Not wanting any trouble, I attempt to pass him, making no eye contact and looking directly down towards the ground. But when we are directly next to each other, he reaches out and grabs me. Looking directly into my eyes, his eyes are crazy and bloodshot. His lips are quivering as he makes out a few words.

“Return what is not yours.”

He then reaches into my sweatshirt pocket, and grabs the compass I had picked up along my hike. I reach for my pocket knife, only to find that it is not there. I pull out my lighter and stupidly flash it at him like it is some sort of deadly weapon. He frowns down at me, loosens his grip, and begins yelling nonsense at the sky. The last thing I remember hearing from him is, “Hot Tamale! Hot Tamale! Wrongdoing and sin! Meet your maker! MEET YOUR MAKER!”

I sprint, not run, SPRINT, as fast as I can while maintaining safety. I run past the two stray trails, past the caution tape and big oak, past the large rock, and finally reach the foot of the mountain. Reaching into my pocket, I grab for my car key, and find that it is missing. In heavy panic, I start freaking out. I’m not going to go back to the mountain, but I don’t have my keys. I decide just to go to my car and call Triple A or something. When I reach the car door, I notice something. My car keys are inserted into the slot on the handle. On the ground, my pocket knife lays, undamaged and intact.. What was written on the window spooked me the most. It had been carved into the glass.

“I Return what is not mine.”

11. SergantSniffy

A few years ago a small part of my neighborhood was inhabited by meth heads. A few different occurrences happened during a short time spand such as my neighbor being shot at with a pellet rifle by one of the meth heads while biking towards school.

However one occasion really struck out of the ” ordinary ” While waiting for my sister and her friends to arrive at our house before we went swimming in the lake (I was about 9 years at the time) While we were waiting one of my sisters friend noticed a man in our driveway who shouted he needed help. He was soaked in blood, his own blood. There were stabs all over him and the blood was gushing out of him. We recognized the man as one of the meth heads and my mom who is a nurse helped him into safety in our garage. As time passed with my mom in the garage helping the meth head, we had called the police and ambulance. Shortly after we could hear a faint shouting, as the individual got closer to our house we could make out what he was shouting ” I’m going to kill you Kim!! ” Several times he was shouting this with a snarl in his voice, with blood gushing from his bald head and a screw driver in his hand. He was searching for someone, and we were in his way for his prey.

As the police arrived they quickly managed to arrest him and the fellow meth head in our garage. We later learned that the reason this all had started was because they had not agreed how to share 10$ which resulted into one smashing a wine bottle in the bald guys head, which the bald guy responded to stabbing the meth head several times with a screwdriver.

Needless to say, I didn’t go swimming that day.

12. Hades83

This is actually my friends story. But I was almost a daily guest at her house so I think I might be able to tell it like she would. She lived at her parents house. We were around 17-18 years old and they had just moved into a big house from a small apartment. They had a dog who was extremely well behaved but sometimes in the middle of the night he would start growling and barking. One early morning, my friends dad followed the dog to the kitchen where he saw a young man trying to get in through the window. The man got away before the police got there. But the growling and barking didn’t stop. And sometimes we could all hear weird sounds, like someone was walking on the roof of the house or something. Her dad would often have a look up into the attic and saw nothing so he blamed these sounds on the weather. Changes in heat/cold and humidity making the wood crackle. This went on for a few years. A few nights a week the dog would growl and they would hear what sounded like footsteps. I spent some nights there and one time my friend woke me up just to make me listen. Years later, a few years after my friend moved out from her parents place, her dad was doing something in the attic when he found a tiny little door in the far corner. He had never noticed it before because this corner of the attic was really dark. He opened the tiny little door and what he saw in the beam of his flashlight really freaked everyone out. He saw a dirty mattress, some burnt out candles and candy wrappers. It’s been years since she told me about what her father saw but I still get goosebumps thinking about it. Someone had actually been living in their attic. Maybe the guy who tried to climb in through the window? Creepy as fuck.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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