32 Stories From Internet Strangers That Will Have You Looking Over Your Shoulder Constantly
20. DailyKnowledgeBomb
I don’t know if I can say childhood but I was definitely youngish when it happen. I was at college and it was about 2 hours before an afternoon final. Beautiful day outside, sun shining and such while I’m driving to McDonald’s for a quick lunch before I head back to campus. On my way back I see cars kind of slowing down and an 18 wheeler stopped in the opposite lane of traffic with a pushed in bumper, nothing all that impressive. No cops or ambulances.
Then before I had time to comprehend the situation, there it is. Apparently a Toyota Rav4 went to make a left across the opposing lane of traffic and got hit by the 18 wheeler on a road with a 45 mph speed limit. This woman is just outside the car hysterical, on her knees in the middle of the other lanes. That’s when I see why. Her young (15-18) daughter hanging a completely limp arm out of a completely destroyed passenger side window. The entire passenger side was bent in like you would picture a bow as an archer draws it back.
The my next sight is the crown of her head resting against the inside of the passenger side door with a clear and distinct river of blood pouring down the outside of the silver SUV’s passenger side door.
I got back to campus to meet my friends for some last minute review and I just sat in the chair shaking, unable to focus on existing. I told them all I saw my first dead body, voice breaking while trying to comprehend the tragedy. Wildly traumatic, especially at the emotional state I was already in due to finals.
21. PrimaryDisorder
When I was about 13, I walked up to the payphone in front of a drugstore and notice a polaroid picture turned upside down on top of the phone. I picked up and turned it over to find a closeup shot of a man’s grey haired erect dick.
I flung the picture down on the ground, and just as I did, I looked up just in time to see and old man drive by me wide-eyed and licking his drivers side window.
Creeped. The. Fuck. Out.
22. yamyamyamyam
When I was about 11 or so, I went to one of Sony’s expo things before the PS2 came out in London with a friend from school. We took the train into London with my mum, but once we were there we agreed to meet up later. The expo was a few Underground stations away, and as my friend and I were changing platforms I noticed 2 men walking behind us. They followed us onto the next train and got off at our stop. As we climbed the steps to exit the station one of them grabbed my friend’s wrist and asked if we were alone. Cue me and my friend shitting the biggest bricks you will ever see. The one holding my friend tried pulling him down the steps, before a group of people rounded the corner into view, and the two guys just split.