32 Stories From Internet Strangers That Will Have You Looking Over Your Shoulder Constantly

Here are 32 unsettling stories from strangers on the internet.


shadow of a girl
Kaylah Otto

16. Randy_Watson

When I was 13, me and my friend used to sneak out a lot and do random shit. One night, we got thirsty and walked over to seven eleven. There was a random middle aged guy in the parking lot talking to himself. He asked us the time. We told him, then proceeded into the 7/11. When we exited, he walked up to us and asked again. The guy was acting super creepy. So, we cross the street back into our neighborhood. After about a block, I see a car turning into the neighborhood and get this really odd feeling. I tell my buddy that something is up. We happened to be right next to another friend of ours house, so we jumped his fence and hid behind the bushes. The car drove right past us and it was the guy that was acting creepy in the parking lot. He drives past us, goes down one more block, then makes a u-turn and drive right back the way he came.

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17. carparts_creek

At age 7 had a dream in which I was at a zoo on the moon. One of the exhibits had a sign saying “This girl has been dreaming for the last 7 years that she is living on Earth.” I looked and the girl was me. In the morning I wondered which was true. Was I really the girl on the moon and was my life on Earth the dream, or vice versa? Still wonder sometimes.

18. Eulachon

Yesterday, I played Amnesia.

19. markdury

My family went to inspect our new house when I was about 10. Previous owners had moved out a week earlier and it was my first time seeing the place, so while my parents were upstairs doing boring grown-up stuff I went exploring down to the basement. I was hoping to find some forgotten cache of toys or something but it was cleaned out. I noticed a homemade sliding-door closet was built under the stairs, the kind with the finicky folding panels. I started to open it, it was dark in there, but I could see jars on the shelf, looked like it was just a pantry… then I noticed the leather boots on the floor. Which were attached to legs…uh oh. I looked up and there was a man in there, black leather jacket, backed up against the wall, staring down at me, eyes wide open. Never forget that feeling, I was so scared I couldn’t even scream. I froze for a second and then bolted… worst part was that the closet he was in was under the stairs I had to run up, and they were that open style, so I saw his face again as I ran up, certain that he was going to grab my ankle… I kicked up a huge fuss to my parents on the top floor, finally convinced them to come down and check, but he was gone. They were convinced that I was lying, or confused.

Then they noticed the motorcycle helmet still in the closet.

For years I had the hardest time dealing with those stairs.