shadow of a girl
Kaylah Otto

32 Stories From Internet Strangers That Will Have You Looking Over Your Shoulder Constantly

Here are 32 unsettling stories from strangers on the internet.


7. imonsteroids

When I was in 5th grade , my brother (9th grade at the time) and my mom were all sleeping in the same bed because our rooms were being remodeled. That night I was up watching tv while they were sleeping, it was around 12 or something and Chucky was on. Chucky was the scariest movie for me as a child but I watched it anyways since my mom and brother were in the same bed i felt safe. Well anyways I went to sleep but later that night I was awoken by someone strangling me. I didn’t want to open my eyes or I couldn’t, I don’t remember but it felt like it lasted forever. Finally I squirmed so much my mom woke up to see my brother on top of me choking me. My brother is a real bad sleepwalker and he says he was having a dream that a seatbelt was wrapped around my neck and he was trying to get it off. I don’t believe that but its better than believing he was trying to kill me.

8. BobKelsoMD

When we were 9 – 10, a friend and I were riding our bikes around the parking lot of the local ice skating rink one summer. The rink was closed for the season and sat off a highway in a kind of wooded area. We come around the side of the building and see a guy in a tan van. Not a creepy serial killer van, but the kind that had captains chairs in the back, sometimes they had a little table in them. They were kind of popular in the 80’s.

He hollers at us to come over to him so we ride up to the van. He tells us one of his tires has a slow leak and he needs us to help him change it. He already has an extra tire leaning against the side of the van and he tells us he isn’t strong enough to get the lug nuts off by himself. He asks us to go around to the other side of the van, open the sliding door on the side, and get a lug wrench on the floor board inside.

My friend gets off his bike and starts to walk to the other side, but to me, something just seemed really strange about the situation. I didn’t know why… I was just really uncomfortable. So I tell the guy we’ll go get our parents and come back to help him. He looks kind of surprised, pleads with us to just help him for a few minutes, etc, but we just ride off on our bikes.

We get home, run inside, and tell me dad what happened. He about shits a brick, grabs one of his pistols, loads us in the car and we drive back down to the skating rink. The guy (and the van) were gone. It freaked me out bad enough that I can still remember the guy’s face 20 years later.

9. workright

When I was about 3, my mom worked at a laundromat and some drunk guy came in and picked me up and was taking me. I realized I should start screaming and my mom saw me as he was taking me out of the front door. She jumped up, ran out and a tug-of-war ensued between my mom holding my feet and this guy with my upper body all the while I was screaming my head off like a little bitch with a skinned knee. My mom clawed that guy with her nails on the chest and I remember seeing that man bleeding from five lines. It was really fucked up, but my mom got me away from the guy and someone had already called the cops and they arrested him. Turns out I was wearing the exact same bugs bunny outfit as his nephew who had run outside while the guy was at the store next to the laundromat. He was just too drunk to realize I was not that other kid.

Also when I was at head start a guy in a semi truck tried to “give me a ride home”. A week, later after I went home and told my mom and dad, we saw a drawing of the guy on TV with a warning that the cops were searching for him and that he was abducting little boys. We lived in Austin during both of those episodes and after that my family ended up moving back to a smaller city in west Texas. I actually should ask my mom if that was one of the reasons.