32 Stories From Internet Strangers That Will Have You Looking Over Your Shoulder Constantly

Here are 32 unsettling stories from strangers on the internet.


shadow of a girl
Kaylah Otto

27. kittymojo

At one point my parents decided to renovate the bathroom.

When the pulled out the bathtub there was a headless skeleton between the tub and floorboards. The stains around the bones, and the way they had been crushed down made it quite evident that whatever it was had been fairly juicy when the tub had been crammed on top of it.

Although we are country folk and know what sheep/dog/goat skeletons look like this one was not something we could readily identify, especially as it had no head. It was suss enough that dad called the police.
Without coming over to even look at the headless skeleton we found under the bathtub the local fuzz told us to throw it in the garbage.

Dad interred who/whatever it was in the green wheelie bin.

I had spent my entire childhood bathing on top of a headless decaying corpse.

28. Odincore

I used to roam the woods near our neighborhood with my friends, riding our bikes on dirt trails, building forts, playing cowboys, etc. But we used to go miles and miles from home. Far enough that someone’s dad had to drive out to come find us one night when we stayed out past dark. I guess in the 80s it was considered OK to let your kids roam that far from home with no supervision of any kind.

So when I was about 8 or 9 years old, we were pretty far from home and deep into a patch of woods that extended into really large state park. Suddenly a couple of guys on white-painted ATVs drove past us and further down the path. They were also dressed in white and I distinctly remember thinking with my little kid brain that they were painters coming to paint something in the woods. So we followed the tracks of their ATVs to see what they were doing.

We came to a little ridge where the path was shielded from some of the woods by a hill. We heard voices over the hill so we crept up it and looked over the top… turns out we had stumbled onto a secret Klan meeting. There were about 20 guys there all dressed in white, some with the hoods and some carrying guns. They had assembled several benches in front of a make-shift cross and were greeting each other.

They hadn’t seemed to notice us and the guns scared us enough to high-tail it out of there. We went home and told my friend’s dad about it. He took us back there the next day so we could show him where we had seen the gathering. It was empty. No benches. No cross. However there were some markings in some of the trees like they had been cut by a pocket knife and there were some bullet casings littered around. Pretty sure my friend’s dad called the cops, but I never found out what was really going on there.