21 One-Sentence Reminders For Anyone Who’s Fallen In Love With The Wrong Person

Love gone wrong happens to almost everyone — you’re not alone in this.


1. It is going to be okay.

2. Love gone wrong happens to almost everyone — you’re not alone in this.

3. It’s okay that you fell in love with the wrong person, I promise.

4. It’s okay to forgive yourself for falling in love with the wrong person.

5. Falling in love is a gift — even when it doesn’t work out the way you want, even when it doesn’t work out the way you hope.

6. Just because you fell in love with the wrong person doesn’t mean there’s something inherently wrong with you.

7. Just because you fell in love with the wrong person doesn’t mean you are not capable of a healthy, loving, giving relationship.

8. Just because you fell in love with the wrong person doesn’t mean that the right person isn’t out there for you.

9. Sometimes the thing that we think is love is just infatuation.

10. Sometimes we go through a season of life that’s rooted in infatuation — resist the urge to beat yourself up about this.

11. Resist the urge to beat yourself up about the wrong love.

12. Resist the urge to seek love on some schedule — just because everyone around you is in relationships doesn’t mean that you’re ready for one, too.

13. Love doesn’t work on a timeline.

14. Love, like life, is a growing process.

15. You can learn from a wrong love — you can learn about what you need, what you want, and what you have to give to a relationship.

16. It’s okay to feel the hurt.

17. Please don’t let yourself linger in the hurt for too long.

18. It is going to be okay — yes, this bears repeating.

19. Heartache heals.

20. Heartbreak teaches.

21. You and your heart are unbelievably resilient — you can and will get to the other side of this sadness.

22. You are worthy of a love that is right and perfect for you, and it’s okay to wait for that kind of love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Megan Minutillo

I hate styling my hair.

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