Please Don’t Quit On Yourself

Please don’t quit on yourself.

Please don’t quit going to the gym if that’s what will make you happier and healthier. Resist the urge to push snooze on that alarm clock, and embrace the promise that you made to yourself.

Please don’t quit on yourself.

Please don’t quit on the education you’ve started. I know school can be hard. I know it can seem like it’s never-ending. I know graduation can feel like it’s lightyears away – but if you started it, I promise you can finish it. That diploma means so much to you – and it is yours for the taking once you cross that finish line.

Please don’t quit on yourself.

Please don’t quit on creating the life that you want. You can save for that house, that car, that trip, that passion project. You are capable of being financially responsible. Do not feed into the lie that lets you believe differently.

Please don’t quit finding the love that you want, the one that you need, and the one that will make you a better version of you. (Here’s a hint – those three are intertwined, they do exist, and you are worthy of that kind of love.)

Please don’t quit on yourself.

Please don’t quit on the dreams that have been dancing around in your head for days, and months, and years. It’s ok if you try them, and then you find out that they’re not the bits of magic you thought they were – but if you never try to let them live, how will you ever know? Sometimes dreams flourish and thrive. Sometimes dreams change. But dreams were not meant to stay in the beauty that is your imagination. Please don’t try to lock them up – let them live.

Please don’t quit on yourself.

Please don’t quit believing that you are capable of greatness. You are capable of greatness, of change, of growth, and of learning. You are capable of love, of compassion, and of feeling joy.

You are capable – quit believing that you’re not.