102 Ways To Not Let Irrational Thoughts Ruin Your F*#king Life
Danielle Drislane

This Is The Warning You Need To Hear Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Pisces: You are going to soon find yourself challenged to think about your true mission and purpose in life and might need to be prepared to make some changes.



(January 20-February 18)

This can be a troublesome time for you and tensions may rise. Be careful to listen and genuinely hear the viewpoint of others before growing irritated and jumping to conclusions. Be willing to compromise if needed to restore harmony and bring a better balance to your life.


(February 19-March 20)

You are going to soon find yourself challenged to think about your true mission and purpose in life and might need to be prepared to make some changes. If you continue to remain tied to the past situations that you should have set down long ago, you will find that the upcoming changes in your life are going to be that much more difficult to bear.


(March 21-April 19)

Take a break from being so moody and impatient. You will find yourself enjoying the good times more if you aren’t wishing things away by being constantly rushed and uptight. Let go and just trust in the intent of the universe, because things might be bumpy ahead.


(April 20-May 20)

Stop fighting your successes just because they weren’t what you originally thought they would be. Everything happens for a reason, and even if you can’t see it clearly now, the reasons are valid. It is okay to not have everything go exactly your way all the time: compromise makes people like you more.


(May 21-June 20)

Something big is about to happen. Don’t panic, though: just remember to breathe and trust your instincts. If all else fails, be aware of those around you and let them be a guiding light. You’ll find your way through, just stay patient and stay the course.


(June 21-July 22)

Careful not to get too wrapped up in the business affairs of others: it can lead you down a dark path. Take some time to “smell the coffee” and really think through what your stuff is and what belongs to someone else. Nobody likes to carry around any extra baggage than is needed.


(July 23-August 22)

Hard times ahead: you are going to find yourself with too much going on that is outside of your control. Don’t fight for your place or try to push others out to grasp control. The right time will come and others will eventually see that they are ignoring a good resource (you).


(August 23-September 22)

Watch that you don’t let your emotions take control, let them merely serve as a guide for you without becoming overwhelming. If you find yourself in circumstances that make you feel annoyed or restless, remember to revisit your true motivations and ideals. Use your wise mind to make the best decisions, you need both your rational brain and emotions to plan the best path for now.


(September 23-October 22)

You hate change, but it is time to make it happen. It is okay to visit your inner child from time to time, and in this instance, it might be necessary despite the pain or anger. Negative emotions are ahead. Be sure to focus on self-care and don’t be afraid to reach out to a trusted friend if needed.


(October 23-November 21)

Watch out, someone is going to “move your cheese.” Hold tight to your brain and common sense, simply allow circumstances and emotions to come and go as needed while reminding yourself that you will maintain stability. With so many changes and with things feeling off or misplaced, you’ll need to constantly remind yourself of the stability that still exists inside.


(November 22-December 21)

Careful: don’t put the cart before the horse. It is important to take time to settle into your emotions and connections with others before diving in with words and promises that your heart may not agree with. You may also find that allowing yourself to look within allows you to better care for yourself and your health, something you may desperately be needing right now.


(December 22-January 19)

You need to calm down, slow down, and use your talents as intended to best serve your life, not simply the lives of others. You must stop causing yourself stress from holding too firmly to something that should have been left in the past. Without a good foundation, it is impossible to build a home. TC mark