12 Texts Girls Send When They’re Trying To Friend Zone You
In which she engages only on the part of your text that’s safe to respond to.
7. The “Hey, how’s everything going?” text, in response to you starting a conversation.
It seems like she’s interested in you when she’s receptive to your text. In reality, it only proves that you don’t bore her as a person. If a girl is into you, she’ll make it known by asking what you’re up to this weekend, etc.
8. The half-response text.
In which she engages only on the part of your text that’s safe to respond to. Sample conversation:
Guy: Hey, how’s your week going? Do you maybe want to grab a drink with me on Friday?
Girl: Mine’s great so far, how’s yours?
9. The text that evades setting an exact date and time.
When you ask if she’d like to get drinks sometime, it’s easier for her to say yes to some vague plans in the distant future. The initiator (understandably) takes that as a “yes” and then tries to set a specific time at which point the girl mysteriously “loses her iPhone” for a week.
10. The text that grossly overuses exclamation points.
When she’s flirting with you, she’ll use exclamation points sparingly. When she feels guilty that she isn’t interested, she’ll over compensate with 3+ exclamation points. Sample response: I have no idea what my schedule is like this week, life is soOOOooOo crazy!!!!
11. The text that deliberately classifies you as, “friend,” “bud” or “pal”
If she were actually into you, she’d be way too embarrassed to use nicknames. But she isn’t, so she’s calling you “friend” because she wants to JUST BE FRIENDS.
12. Radio silence
(Read: Not interested. BYE.)