Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

Love Is My Christianity

Love is my Christianity. Reaching out and hugging people, despite our differences, is my Christianity. Opening myself to new perspectives and beliefs and accepting them, even if they don’t coincide with my personal values, is my Christianity. Caring about other people and their hearts is my Christianity. Celebration is my Christianity.

When You’re Homesick For A Person

When you’re homesick for a person, you cannot find where you belong unless it’s with one another, making a dwelling in one another’s hearts, one another’s souls.

I Hope You Start Falling In Love With Jesus

I hope you stop letting yourself be stepped on, be bruised, be left by people who don’t see your true worth and start seeing yourself through Jesus’ eyes. You are His creation. You are His child. You are strong and loved.

I’m Opting Out Of The Hookup Culture

I don’t care for someone who longs to feel my body; I want a man who is desperate to touch my heart. Someone who wants to learn my mind, who I am, what I believe, what I think about, what I love.

Someday Love Will Find You, I Promise

One day, love will find you. And it will be everything you didn’t know you needed, and everything you’ve desired for so long. It will be all that you waited for, prayed over, wished upon late at night. Love will be worth it, and show you that you’re worth it.

Why Are We So Afraid To Live Until It’s Too Late?

Why is it that we don’t know how to live until we’re close to dying, until we get the diagnosis that changes everything, until we lose someone close to us and realize how much we’ve taken for granted?

Sweet Girl, Maybe He’s Too Late

You may have let go of him, you may be in love with him still, but you need to ask yourself this: Do you want him back for the right reasons? Does he deserve a place in your heart? Are you willing and able to love him enough to forgive him, to bring him back in? And is he worthy?

In Your Arms, I Feel Safe

You put your arms around me and I am wild. Desperately reaching for you, to put my mouth on yours, to kiss my every dream onto your lips until we breathe the same desires, until all the time and space is no longer lost between us. Until we are one.