Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

There’s Nothing Wrong With Modern Dating, You Just Suck

You suck because you’re letting a few terrible times alter your perception of the way the world dates. You suck because you’re choosing to only see the crap, rather than the possibility, the ‘maybes,’ the ‘could bes’ surrounding letting another person in.

I Want A Messy Love

I want sweaty palms and timid fingers reaching out to hold one another’s hands. I want flushed cheeks and hesitant steps. I want laugh lines and nervous giggles.

Let’s Be Imperfect, And Love Like Crazy

Let’s stop keeping a checklist of whether we’re ‘right’ for each other. Let’s stop listening to the cautionary voices of the world, saying that we’re young and dumb, that we’re silly and reckless. Let’s forget them and just love like crazy.

Fall In Love With The Wrong One

This could be beautiful, or it could crash and burn. But would you rather hold back and spend the remainder of your days wondering what could have been?

13 Emotions Only Overthinkers Can Understand

Altschmerz: The strange fear of running out of things to think about. Wondering whether you’ll always ponder over the same issues, same anxieties, same problems, leaving you bored and tired.