What's Meant To Be Yours Will Come To You

What’s Meant To Be Yours Will Come To You

I am a fighter. I fight time. I fight God’s plan. I fight things that don’t make sense to me right away. I fight back against whatever doesn’t sit right. Because I get scared when things don’t fall perfectly into place. I get nervous when I don’t hear God’s voice whispering to me. I get anxious when I can’t take matters into my own hands, have them make sense.

But how often do we fight a losing battle? How often do we push back against a world that isn’t quite ready to share with us what we desire it to? How many times have we tried to rush, push, make things go our way?

And how many of those times have we failed?

What I’ve learned, over and over again, is that what’s supposed to be mine will come, what’s meant to be will fall into place, what’s right will feel right and I won’t have to force it.

The truth is, life doesn’t always go according to our plan. We’ll have moments where everything is seemingly perfect, and then it’ll catastrophically fall apart. We’ll be with whom we think is our forever, and then we’ll watch helplessly as the relationship crumbles. We’ll pursue the career we hoped and prayed for, and discover it doesn’t make sense. We’ll rise, and then we’ll fall down. And then in time we’ll rise again.

But in all of those moments, we can’t possibly have the answers to every question in our heads. We can’t possibly understand what’s happening, where we should go, what we should do every single second of every single day. We can’t possibly know what’s right, or good, or ours to keep.

We just have to trust—our higher power, the universe, ourselves. We have to keep moving forward. We have to know that what is meant to be in our lives will find its way to us or back to us. Even if that doesn’t happen on our timeline.

The truth is, what’s meant to be ours will come. Relationships will drift because they are making room for the right people. Love will fade because that individual wasn’t meant to be with us forever. Jobs will shift to create new opportunities. Plans will completely change because we’re not supposed to be stuck in one place.

When these things are happening, we might be terrified. It might feel like our entire worlds are falling apart. We might cry, scream, shake our fists at the sky with anger, doubt our faith, be angry at God—but the truth is, sometimes what we cling to the most falls apart so something far better can come to us. Sometimes prayers aren’t answered because something more beautiful is on its way.

And bottom line, what is meant to be ours might take a while, might drift, might be lost temporarily, but if it’s right, it will find its way back to us.

We don’t have to stress. We don’t have to overthink. We don’t have to spend our days in constant agony, wondering if we’re doing something wrong, if God has abandoned us, if we’re not a good person because a wish hasn’t been granted.

Because none of that is true.

We don’t have to waste time searching and pursuing things that leave. We must, instead, follow what feels right and trust that if it is right, it will happen. We have to understand that God has our backs, and even if we feel like we’re speaking to nothingness, He’s here. Always here.

We have to know what we’re worth, and yet, always strive to be a person deserving of those blessings. We have to keep pushing on, keep believing that good things will come, keep putting light and positive energy into a world that tries so hard to suck us dry.

We have to know that we won’t always have the answers, but that doesn’t mean we’re in this alone. We have to understand that life won’t make sense or follow our plan, but that doesn’t mean we won’t find what we’ve been searching for.

What is ours will come—the people, the opportunities, the jobs, the passions, the hope—that all will find us when the timing’s right, when we’re meant to have it, when God knows we’re prepared to accept and use the blessings.

We don’t have to fight it. We don’t have to rush. We don’t have to live in a constant place of stress or anxiousness. We simply have to let go, to make room, to trust. And allow what’s ours to find us. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.