Marianna Saver

Marianna is a writer, poet, and visual artist.
Articles by
Marianna Saver
If You Are Not Uncomfortable, You Are Not Doing It Right
Being uncomfortable is the key to getting unstuck.
6 Toxic Beliefs You Must Eradicate If You Want To Become Mentally Strong
Life doesn’t get easier. Time doesn’t make things better. But we can get stronger.
5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Achieving More In Life
More often than not, the reason why you are not achieving your goals is that you don’t have the right structure and you don’t have the right principles.
8 Mental Shifts You Must Adopt If You Want To Unlock Your Most Successful Self
The most successful people see themselves not as experts, but as students.
5 Affirmations To Ease Your Anxiety When You Feel Overwhelmed
Nobody is thinking about you how you think they are.