There isn’t much to laugh about concerning school, but some students just have such a hard time taking it seriously. Just read through these funny test answers, which are purely hilarious! These kids might not be getting an A in class anytime soon, but they sure do have an A+ in my heart.
1. Marcus is TOO strong
2. Forget this question, I have another
3. This kid already knows the ropes
4. The true meaning of PEMDAS
5. Things just got personal
6. When you can’t answer one question, just make up your own
7. Unfortunately true
8. Oh, the ironey
9. Sorry, this isn’t a Beyoncé song
10. Well… is he wrong?
11. A plant cell
12. NO!
13. I mean, I won’t argue against that
14. It’s nuclear, but good try
15. Kids are getting smarter!
16. Ice, ice baby
17. I feel like I should be offended…
18. If you’re not a pro, you’re a noob
19. That awkward moment when the right answer isn’t even on the test
20. You never asked for the most ETHICAL solution…
21. Creativity at its finest
22. Okay but how old is this child???
24. Just a little wordplay…
25. An honest answer
26. Well, I’m speechless…
27. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen
28. Correct but not very nice :(
29. This, my friends, is America’s future
30. He’s my favorite hue, too
31. Called OUT
32. I mean, I would’ve counted that as correct
33. A true visionary
Kids just say the darndest things.