1. A trench coat
A guy always looks great in a trench coat because they emphasize height — or at least the lines on your body. Plus, they make almost everyone seem classy!
2. A Suit
How can you go wrong with a hot guy in a well-tailored suit? Especially when the first few buttons of his shirt are undone. My absolute fav, though, is when a guy is wearing a suit and a dress shirt with sneakers. Means he’s COOL AND EDGY.
3. Rolled Up Sleeves
Rolled up sleeves on a guy are really hot because they emphasize his arms, and guy arms are generally a pretty sexy place, so.
4. Fabulous Socks
A guy who uses his socks to add a little splash of color to his look means he’s classy or refined but still a little bit kooky!
5. Tank Tops
Guys wearing tank tops is one of the best things about summer.
6. A Signature Fragrance
A signature fragrance slides a dude’s attractiveness all the way home. My favorite scents are Prada for men and this Christian Dior men’s cologne called Eau Noire. It is basically crack.
7. A Tight-Ass Briefcase
A great briefcase adds a layer of class to his look and makes any man look sexy. Makes you wonder what’s in that briefcase…business proposals or sex toys???
8. Great Shoes
Who doesn’t love a guy in a great shoe, whether you prefer your dudes in dressy shoes or high tops. I love a guy in designer shoes because I am shallow.
9. V-Necks
Hot guys in V-necks is so cool. I love a V-neck because they are so easy and you can buy like a whole pack of them at Target for under $10. I think all any stylish guy needs is a great pair of jeans, some white V-necks, and some cool-ass shoes. You can wear that outfit everyday and be sexy everyday.
10. Jewelry
I love my guys in jewelry. Not, like, setting-off-metal detectors type of level jewelry, just like a few splashes here and there. I LIVE for thumb rings.
11. Leather Jacket
It’s all about accessories. A leather jacket is a jacket, sure, but it’s also an accessory. You can wear a leather jacket with virtually anything. That or you can and it will immediately toughen up the overall look.
12. Pea Coat
Guys always look so great in pea coats. I don’t know what it is, something about the way it hugs the body I guess. And though I’m against a popped collar polo, a popped pea coat collar is a COMPLETELY different thing.