12 Items Of Clothing That Make Any Man Instantly Hot

1. A trench coat


A guy always looks great in a trench coat because they emphasize height — or at least the lines on your body. Plus, they make almost everyone seem classy!

2. A Suit


How can you go wrong with a hot guy in a well-tailored suit? Especially when the first few buttons of his shirt are undone. My absolute fav, though, is when a guy is wearing a suit and a dress shirt with sneakers. Means he’s COOL AND EDGY.

3. Rolled Up Sleeves


Rolled up sleeves on a guy are really hot because they emphasize his arms, and guy arms are generally a pretty sexy place, so.

4. Fabulous Socks


A guy who uses his socks to add a little splash of color to his look means he’s classy or refined but still a little bit kooky!

5. Tank Tops


Guys wearing tank tops is one of the best things about summer.

6. A Signature Fragrance

A signature fragrance slides a dude’s attractiveness all the way home. My favorite scents are Prada for men and this Christian Dior men’s cologne called Eau Noire. It is basically crack.

7. A Tight-Ass Briefcase

A great briefcase adds a layer of class to his look and makes any man look sexy. Makes you wonder what’s in that briefcase…business proposals or sex toys???

8. Great Shoes

Cole Haan Men's Air Madison Monk Strap Loafer
Cole Haan Men’s Air Madison Monk Strap Loafer

Who doesn’t love a guy in a great shoe, whether you prefer your dudes in dressy shoes or high tops. I love a guy in designer shoes because I am shallow.

9. V-Necks

Hanes Men's Classics 6 Pack V-Neck Tee
Hanes Men’s Classics 6 Pack V-Neck Tee

Hot guys in V-necks is so cool. I love a V-neck because they are so easy and you can buy like a whole pack of them at Target for under $10. I think all any stylish guy needs is a great pair of jeans, some white V-necks, and some cool-ass shoes. You can wear that outfit everyday and be sexy everyday.

10. Jewelry

Mens Vintage Style Angel Wing Cross Leather Chain Necklace
Mens Vintage Style Angel Wing Cross Leather Chain Necklace

I love my guys in jewelry. Not, like, setting-off-metal detectors type of level jewelry, just like a few splashes here and there. I LIVE for thumb rings.

11. Leather Jacket


It’s all about accessories. A leather jacket is a jacket, sure, but it’s also an accessory. You can wear a leather jacket with virtually anything. That or you can and it will immediately toughen up the overall look.

12. Pea Coat

TheLees Men's Double Breasted Turtle Neck Inner Padding Pea Coat
TheLees Men’s Double Breasted Turtle Neck Inner Padding Pea Coat

Guys always look so great in pea coats. I don’t know what it is, something about the way it hugs the body I guess. And though I’m against a popped collar polo, a popped pea coat collar is a COMPLETELY different thing. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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