GIF Guide To A 20-Something’s Night Out
It feels so crazy to go out on a week night, but you read somewhere that weekday parties are the new "thing."

It All Starts By Being Bored At Work.
Is this day ever going to end? Going out feels amazing when you need to distract yourself from being bored/real life.
5 p.m. Rolls Around, You’re Ready To Bounce.
Get me out of here.
Tonight Is The Night
You know it’s a week night, but you haven’t been out in a long time. Forget class or work or whatever. Tonight you are going balls to the wall.
Call All Your Friends
Obviously you can’t go out ALONE. How lame would that look?
It’s Going To Be An Awesome Night
You can feel it.
You Start Getting Ready
This is the hardest part about going out. What on earth are you going to wear?
Because You Want To Look HOT
Maybe you will get laid tonight, if you’re lucky.
After Several Outfit Changes, You’re Finally Ready
Who could possibly turn you down now? Exactly — nobody.
Your Friends Tell You How Amazing You Look
But you already know.
You’re All Excited About What The Night Will Bring
It feels so crazy to go out on a week night, but you read somewhere that weekday parties are the new “thing.”
You Storm Into The Club, Ready To Conquer
But You Are Subject To Intense Scrutiny
Thirsty bitches.
A Bro Walks Through The Door
He feels so cool, and he has been doused in cologne.
Boys Start To Notice You
You play hard to get so you don’t come off “easy.”
You Are The Center Of Attention
BROGASM. They have never seen anyone so beautiful.
An Ugly Dude Tries To Step To You
He says something corny like, “Do you have a library card? Because I’m checking you out.”
But You Are Definitely Out Of His League
Naw bro.
You Excuse Yourself And Make Your Way To The Dance Floor
Your favorite song is on!
You KNOW You Look Good
Dance like no one is looking. Swing that pony tail.
A Hot Guy Closes In On You
He’s probably the hottest guy in the place.
He Is Like Really Hot
You get a little nervous and try hard not to do something embarrassing, like throw up suddenly.
Everyone Is Jealous
But what are they going to do about it?
Someone “Accidentally” Spills A Drink On You
You can’t tell if it was an accident or if they did it on purpose. Eye roll.
Then They Puke On The Dance Floor
Somebody Gets An Attitude And Tries To Start A Fight
It’s time to go home even though you’re still having fun.
You’re Sufficiently Drunk
But at least you can hold your alcohol.
He’s Drunk
He asks to take you home.
Your Friends Cock Block You
But at least you know they have your best interests at heart.
You Know They’re Right.
As much as you hate to admit it.
You All Make Your Way Home
But at least it was a good night.