10 Style Lessons As Taught By Kelly Kapowski
Kelly Kapowski was fabulous. Every high school in America has a “Kelly Kapowski,” and you probably hated the K. Pow at your school. Beautiful, the most popular girl in your zip code, head of the cheerleading squad plus captain of the volleyball, swim and softball teams, and dating the hottest guy in the school. Can you please stop being so amazing for like 4 seconds? Jesus. With the recent nostalgia for all things 90s, it’s hard to believe that Saved By The Bell only ran from 1989 to 1993. I guess it makes sense that the show would only run four years given that it’s about high school, and what message would the network be sending to America’s Children if people stayed in high school longer than four years?
Even though the show stretched into the early 90s, style-wise it’s still a show about the late 80s. People make fun of 80s fashion, but it was kind of amazing. Here are 10 very important retro style lessons from Kelly Kapowski herself.
1. Polka Dots Are Amazing.

If you really want to make a unique style statement, the next time you work a room throw on some vibrant-ass polka dots. You’ll really lift your body off the page!
2. It Is Perfectly Okay To Wear Skimpy Tops Out In Society.

If you’ve got it, flaunt it sister girl! But never just wear a skimpy top on it’s own. Layer it with something else so you don’t come off like the village harlot or something like that. You don’t want people to get the wrong idea.
3. Like so!

See what she did there?
4. Swimsuits Are Fine, Too.

Preferably a one-piece, to really accentuate your bangin’ bod.
5. A Pop Of Color Is Always Nice.

Floral is nice, too! But not too much. Show some skin to break it up.
6. Always Keep Your Shoulders Exposed.

Why cover those things up? Let them out!
7. Wear Your Sweaters Off The Shoulder.

Wearing your sweater off the shoulder has to feel playful and effortless, like “Would you look at that. My sweater has fallen off! Hehehe.”
8. Suspenders Are Key.

Most importantly, if you wear a pair of suspenders with a skimpy top, it still counts as layering!
9. Keep That Hair Teased To Eternity.

But try to avoid using too much hair product.
10. And When You Feel Like Your Hair Is Teased Enough, Tease It Just A Little More.

The higher the bang, the closer to God.