Macy Sto. Domingo

Articles by
Macy Sto. Domingo
9 Things All Women Should Resolve To Do This Year
I struggled with self-esteem issues and self-abuse, never being comfortable in a body that could have ever caused something like that to happen. Then one day, I noticed that some of my behavior had begun to rub off on my younger sister, and the thought of her ever having to experience any of the negative things I was putting myself through made me realize that I couldn’t continue living like that.
18 Things White People Seem To Not Understand (Because, White Privilege)
5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
White Men Dating Asian Women Isn’t The Problem – Your Racism Is (Plus, Tips On How To Cure Yourself)
I’ve taken the initiative to write you a list of helpful tips that will hopefully get you on your way to becoming a better, brighter, less racist version of yourself.
6 Things Every Extrovert Secretly Has To Deal With
As a self-proclaimed extrovert, I’m pretty sick and tired of people assuming that introverts are the only people who have got it hard. Really, seriously?