As Amy and I begin as we usually do — chatting about normal day-to-day issues like my contact lenses not behaving and her newly-dyed darker hair — Amy lights a candle to clear the area of bad energy. We have already discussed via text that this session is going to be tough, intense, and we’re ready for it. (At least, as ready as we could be.)
Amy asks, “Am I doing weird things like you are? Because you’re so — fuzzy right now.”
This is typical. Digital interference sporadically throughout the session. It’s typically when we first begin or when the subject matter begins to get particularly sensitive.
I tell her she’s clear and then fuzzy, clear and then fuzzy. She comments on the Capri Sun I’m sipping on and we share a laugh.
Then it’s time to get to business.
Me: What are you feeling for today?
Amy: We’re just gonna go in and see what happens. I wore my Cookie Monster shirt for her!
So we decide to settle in and start the session. Amy reminds me that we will be talking to a child, ostensibly — and to phrase my questions like I was talking to a child in the flesh. I acknowledge this and promise to keep it in mind.
Me: Okay! I’m ready. Anything I need to do on my end before we get going?
Amy: Nope. I’m just gonna go in and… see what happens.
Me: Okay. And like I said, if you need to bail, if you need to cut it off — that’s totally fine. Just…
Amy: Right.
She closes her eyes. I’m used to this part of the conversation — it’s the part where I wait. I wait for the spirit to make contact. I stare at my Macbook, my glasses reflecting back Amy’s face in infinity.
After over three minutes, Amy opens her eyes and says:
Amy: Okay. It’s difficult because — Pat — Patsy? Patsy? She’s trying to come through. So, um. I felt her immediately. Um. But JonBenet is… here. And that is… I’m asking her to communicate with… but Patsy is strong.