14 Real Physical Differences Between Men And Women (Besides The Obvious)

Flickr / Waiting For The Word
Flickr / Waiting For The Word

Everyone reading this should already know the fundamental differences between male and female genitalia—if not, it’s time you asked Mom and Dad to give you “the talk.” But men and women’s bodies are different in many ways beyond mere ding-dongs and coochies. It is time we set aside our differences of opinion and celebrate our biological differences!

1. Men get fat on the belly, women on the ass and thighs.

Women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat than men do, but they’re smart enough to store the fat behind them, not right in front of them where everyone can see.

2. Men and women see things differently.

When it comes to depth perception, distance vision, and lighted environments, men have the edge. Women have better night vision, better visual memory, and can see more of the red end of the color spectrum than men can. Women blink twice as often as men. And men are about ten times more likely than women to be color-blind.

3. Men are larger.

On average, men are about 10% larger than women. This is a pattern that persists from birth, since boy infants tend to be larger than girls.

4. Men are stronger.

Estimates vary wildly, but the average estimate is that men have about 30% more upper body strength than women do. It has been estimated that only one in twenty women is as strong as the average man.

5. Girls mature more quickly.

Girls generally reach puberty two years earlier than boys do, and it takes the boys the rest of their lives to grow up.

6. Men are much more prone to nearly every illness than women.

Women are thought to have more resistance to disease due to the fact that their adrenal glands produce more cortin than men’s do. The only three diseases that women die from more often than men are breast cancer, female reproductive disorders, and benign tumors. Otherwise, every other disease, including of course cancer and heart disease, kills men at a higher frequency.

7. Women live longer.

On average in the USA, women live five years longer than men do. Men suffer a higher death rate throughout life than women do.

8. Men’s and women’s vital organs differ in size and efficiency.

Men have larger hearts and lungs than women. Women have larger livers, stomachs, thyroid glands, and kidneys than men. Women have lower blood pressure and a faster heartbeat than men.

9. Men’s fertility lasts longer.

Many men are able to reproduce all the way into their 70s, while female fertility starts decreasing after 35.

10. You can tell a lot by looking at their fingers.

In general, a woman’s index finger is longer than the finger next to her pinkie; with men, it’s the opposite.

11. Men are big hairy apes.

After puberty kicks in, men develop giant musty patches of hair all over their bodies, often making them indistinguishable from the legendary Sasquatch of the Pacific Northwest. Women are far less hairy and thus more fully human.

12. Men burn calories faster than women do.

If you were looking for one reason that the patriarchy must be abolished, there it is.

13. Their bones are different.

Women’s skeletal structures have wider hips, broader facial bones, smaller chins, a longer trunk, and shorter legs than men.

14. Women have more erogenous zones.

A greater area of the female body is susceptible to sexual stimulation than the male’s. Either that, or women are just sexier. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Information for this article was pooled from the following sources:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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