Never asking anyone else’s view or opinions but always offering theirs, usually without being asked. You learn nothing if you don’t listen, and ignorance is not attractive.
Bad breath. Instantly kills my lady boner.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get married if I can’t find someone that isn’t able to watch a movie without having their phone out.
I’m getting to a point where someone being ironically self-deprecative or excessively negative about everything in an effort to be funny or edgy really turns me off. It was like #hip and #relatable for a second but now it’s just kind of annoying.
Being controlling. Men or women. I’m a girl and like dudes, but even if I see a chick acting like this to her friends or her man, I want to slap her.
Using slang heavily and unnecessarily. Yo, this ice cream is bombb, fam! It’s cray-cray.
Chewing with your mouth open. I neither want to see nor hear that sloppy shit, so for the love of God please close your mouth like the rest of us sane people.
Being a social media whore.
Some things are better left unsaid. No one needs to know nor cares what yogurt you bought.
Bad outfit/sense of style. Sorry, sounds pretty shallow, but I saw a hot dude wearing a pinstripe fedora with a Sesame Street fake vintage graphic tee, and I wanted to cry.
Being overly religious. Like if deep down, you believe, that’s whatever. But if every other topic is about “God this” or “Jesus that” you got from a 10 to a 2 in my eyes.
Fake eyebrows. Plucking and trimming is one thing, but I’ve seen women who look like they crayoned them in. In what world is that considered beautiful?
Being lazy. Passionate people are more attractive when they care about something. Related to this, someone who doesn’t care about anything – their job, hobbies, personal hygiene or their body, is instantly more unattractive.
To clarify, I mean actually having a job, or wanting to do more with their life than work for minimum wage. I think it’s good to work hard and want to progress in a career. It is not the same as being obsessed with your job and it being all you care about.
If swearing is a big part of their vocabulary.
I have no issue against people who swear, I do it quite a lot. However, If I feel like they can’t adapt to their surroundings and turn it off when necessary, like when around children, then it’s a massive turn-off; as I know I wouldn’t be able to introduce them to my family.
Small teeth. Like really, abnormally small teeth.
Always talking about their Ex. (Good things, bad things…really anything).
Being vindictive or malicious. It’s my number one dating red flag. I can’t stand it when someone goes out of their way to make someone else’s day worse or life harder. It’s just so weird to me; if you don’t like someone, just don’t deal with them. Don’t actively hate people, it’s so counterproductive and makes you look pathetic.
Cutting somebody short to speak for them. It annihilated any romantic attraction I had for someone.