25 Phrases Girls Never (Ever) Want To Hear From Their Boyfriends

1. You are a nice girl. I don’t deserve you.
2. You wear too much make up.
3. You should/ should not wear this.
4. You don’t look like your pictures.
5. You should be more independent.
6. I’m meeting my female ‘friend’ later.
7. I’m busy. (Unlike you.)
8. All your exes are jerks.
9. Chill. You are overreacting.
10. Please be reasonable.
11. Are you having your period?
12. This (insert piece of clothing) looks unflattering/ weird on you.
13. Your friend is very hot.
14. If you think you are fat, you should do something about it.
15. Stop shopping so much. You are wasting money.
16. You should broaden your horizon. Try new things. (Like a threesome.)
17. My mom doesn’t like you.
18. I’m kind of lazy to hang out this weekend.
19. Your new hairstyle makes no difference at all.
20. I don’t know what you are talking about. You don’t make any sense.
21. I will call you. (And never does.)
22. Nobody cares about this. You care too much.
23. Who knows, we may not be together by then.
24. We are too different.
25. I don’t want to hurt you.