girl and boy
Rahul Anil

The Type Of Love You Will Find In 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Scorpio: The love of life itself. Forget relationships, you're going to fall in love with life instead! The year of 2018 is the year you regain your confidence in yourself and with the world. You're going to feel so happy and content, and honestly, you won't want to be tied down. You are going to…


girl and boy
Rahul Anil


(March 21st to April 19th)

Your forever person. In 2018, you don’t have to worry about finding love anymore. As much as it’s hard for you to believe, you’re going to find your forever person. All your broken hearted nights and lonely days have paid off. Keep your head up and believe that this year, you’ll finally find your person.


(April 20th to May 21st)

Your true best friend. In 2018, you are going to find your true best friend. And this doesn’t mean you’ll find the person you will marry, but I can guarantee you’re going to find someone who you can lean on, on your darkest days and darkest nights. You will no longer be alone in this world. You’ll finally have a true friend who you can tell everything to and who don’t judge you for anything.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

Yourself. You’ve spent so much time feeling sorry for yourself, and trying to fix the void and holes in your heart with relationships and empty promises. But those days are gone. 2018, is the year you’ll have the guts to be alone. 2018 is the year you’ll be able to be happy by YOURSELF. You won’t need anyone else, I promise.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

A powerful fling. The kind of love you’ll find this year won’t be forever. But it will forever change you. This fling may be found in a dark bar, or on a beach, but regardless of where you find this person, they will teach you so many things about yourself and about who you want your future partner to be like.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

The one that got away. The love you’ll find in 2018 is from someone who you thought was gone forever. Maybe it’s an old friend or an acquaintance from grade school, but whoever it is going to make your life brighter and happier. Whatever you do, don’t let this person go.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

The love of your life. OK GUYS, get ready! 2017 SUCKED for you. (As it did for most of us, but especially for you beauties). 2018 is the year you meet the love of your life. Talk to strangers. Talk to the boy behind you at Starbucks. Flirt with the guy across the bar at you. Say hi to the girl with the pretty smile. Don’t miss your chance to hear wedding bells sooner than you think.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Love for an ex. You’ve been single for a while because you can’t get over an ex (you know the on I’m speaking of). Lucky you, in 2018 this specific ex is coming back. Don’t try to tell them off. Listen. Forgive them. You just might rekindle the flames with this person.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

The love of life itself. Forget relationships, you’re going to fall in love with life instead! The year of 2018 is the year you regain your confidence in yourself and with the world. You’re going to feel so happy and content, and honestly, you won’t want to be tied down. You are going to want to experience your adventures on your own.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

Your soulmate in the form of a friend. In 2018, all you’re going to need is a person to listen to your worries and heartaches, and a person to be by your side no matter what. You’re going to not even think about getting married or getting into a partnership, because you’ll have your best friend by your side.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

The love of sex. Forget being tied down. Forget monogamy. You’re going to have FUN this year! You’re finally going to feel confident in your own skin and screw societal norms. So get out there and raise some hell!v


(January 21st to February 18th)

First love reunion. You’ve been in relationships since your first love of course, but you’ve never truly gotten over it. Finally, you’ll get to see them again in 2018, when you least expect it. If the cards are in your favor, you’ll notice that the connection hasn’t faded. Don’t lose hope.


(February 19th to March 20th)

Your soulmate. Finally. This love won’t leave you. This love won’t be fleeting. It will stay and it won’t ever burn out. When you find it this year, don’t search for other things. Don’t explore other options. Stay true to your heart. Thought Catalog Logo Mark